Freedom does not die from frontal attack. It dies because men in power no longer believe in a system based upon liberty.

Due to climate change, wildfires are growing in size, frequency, and intensity, and wildfire seasons are becoming longer.

I'm swimming every day and I'm even trying to get the golf swing working again - but that might take a little bit longer.

The people no longer has confidence in its former protectors, now its exploiters and executioners. The masks have fallen.

Compassion automatically invites you to relate with people because you no longer regard people as a drain on your energy.

World peace is no longer some pie-in-the-sky thing, because no single person or country is going to solve it on their own.

Once the state has been founded, there can no longer be any heroes. They come on the scene only in uncivilized conditions.

We live in the mind, in ideas, in fragments. We no longer drink in the wild outer music of the streets - we remember only.

In a packed programme tonight, we will be talking to an out-of-work contortionist who says he can no longer make ends meet.

Stardom is no longer the fuel of my soul. It is the deeper aspects of life that nurture me. And I realise I am very blessed.

It's nice to have the creative freedom to write about whatever and no longer feeling those restrictions I had when I was 15.

I enjoy total creative control right now. Nobody tells me to make it longer, shorter, better, sexier, more violent, whatever.

I want to be a late night host and the podcast is a way for me to do longer form interviews and to get better at interviewing.

But the relationship of morality and power is a very subtle one. Because ultimately power without morality is no longer power.

Modern education has devoted itself to the teaching of impudence, and then we complain that we can no longer control our mobs.

They don't call it the Internet anymore, they call it cloud computing. I'm no longer resisting the name. Call it what you want.

We no longer live in a world that is neatly divided between rich and well-educated countries, and poor and badly-educated ones.

When real is gone, then there is no longer a litmus test for that which deviates from it. It's all real because it's all 'real.'

I have short hair. It doesn't make me more unattractive than a woman or my sisters that have more longer hair and a bit lighter.

The biggest technical challenge to sending astronauts on farther and longer missions is biomedical: How do we keep them healthy?

American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it.

When you really don't like a guy, they're all over you, and as soon as you act like you like them, they're no longer interested.

We live in an era with no historical precedents. History is no longer useful as a tool in helping us understand current changes.

If you want to work as a coach for longer term you need consistency, trust in the club and also the environment around the club.

The great social adventure of America is no longer the conquest of the wilderness but the absorption of fifty different peoples.

When meetings are the norm - the first resort, the go-to tool to discuss, debate, and solve every problem - they no longer work.

Acting allows me the freedom to let go, to be in the moment, to be spontaneous. I no longer have the fear of losing, of failure.

Xenophobia is defined as the uncontrollable fear of foreigners. That fear should not dictate the immigration dialogue any longer.

Punk's influence on music, movies, art, design and fashion is no longer in doubt. It is used as the measurement for what is cool.

No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.

I stand for all those who feel that the government no longer understands the individual and no longer respects individual rights.

If you are looking for a hedge for potential inflation for the future and have a longer term view, then gold is still a good bet.

The end comes when we no longer talk with ourselves. It is the end of genuine thinking and the beginning of the final loneliness.

Music, at its essence, is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives, the more memories we have of it.

Communicators need to figure out how well do they engage people, and they should not talk one word longer than people are engaged.

The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors.

The moment a little boy is concerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing.

Crazy is a relative term, you know. Everybody is unique in their own way and some people work harder for longer hours than others.

I don't want to be an action star, an action star's life is so short. I want my life to get longer, I want my career to get longer.

Most novels, I find, are three times longer than they need to be. Very little happens, and I don't want to waste my time with them.

Stuffing is evil. Stuffing adds mass, so it slows the cooking. That's evil because the longer the bird cooks, the drier it will be.

I don't think that I'm broken at all. I no longer think that I'm a mess. I just think I'm a deeply feeling person in a messy world.

Many things I might not write today because I no longer believe them, but I wouldn't change them, since I believed them at the time.

Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either.

I'd much rather wait till my material is up to par, in my opinion, than rush it just so I can stay in the limelight a little longer.

In 'Futurama,' the skin color is no longer yellow. They have actually evolved to cartoon skin tone. But they still have four fingers.

It's hard for the Catholic Church to accept change. When the mass was no longer said in Latin, loyalists went into mourning for years.

Having done something like The Thorn Birds gives you enormous longevity. You can keep picking and choosing the roles for a bit longer.

Seeking approval and people pleasing forces you to alter your actions and speech to no longer reflect what you actually think or feel.

I'm proud to be an actor. See, as an actor, you live longer. Football players, the brain and all that stuff, ooh-eee, that's not good.

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