As an actor, I feel one should use his look to trick people.

Look, I can't dim my shine just because some people feel uncomfortable.

Honestly, I feel like people don't look at other people when they're walking around.

I don't think people look at how pop stars live and feel anything aspirational at all.

Other people just look so comfortable with a book in their hands - I never feel like that.

A lot of people are obsessed with looking cool. They feel they have to look after their image.

I do feel like a loner but I think it's because I look at things differently than other people.

It is sad when people can't connect, and the sense of desperation that you feel when there is nothing to look forward to.

I feel very comfortable with the way I look, and I feel very comfortable with the kind of confusion that it creates in people's minds.

I'm one of those people where, if I go back and look at it, I'm going to feel like, 'I wish I would have... ' I need to just leave it on the floor. What's done is done.

This entire cast, N.W.A, was an all-star group, and I really feel like people are going to look at 'Straight Outta Compton' years from now like this was an all-star cast.

People don't need to feel scared about a leather pant. Think of it as a jean alternative: it's the same thing. It's almost like they're your yoga pants, but they look chic.

If people ask, 'Are you Sherlock Holmes?', it's horribly naff, but I say, 'I'm not, I just look a bit like him' - which is how I feel. There are bad attributes of his that I really don't share!

I look at other people's lives, and some people feel like they're too old to play with toys. But I still go through the toy section at the store, 'cause there were toys that I wanted when I was little that I couldn't have. So I still get them.

If you look at some shows that have an ugly feel to them, or a nihilistic sort of feel to them, you'll usually find a group of cynical, unhappy, miserable people behind the production. If you see a show that's rather boring, or a cookie-cutter factory show, you'll usually find some pretty uninteresting, boring people behind it.

I always feel like people misunderstand the difference between an Asian story and an Asian-American story. That's completely different, too. I have friends who grew up in Asia, and our experiences are so different. Even though we might look the same, I feel like being Asian and then being Asian-American is completely different.

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