I love to drive and run the floor.

I can play both ends of the floor.

Chubby Checker changed the dance floor.

I'm just comfortable all over the floor.

If I'm not on the floor, I'm not valued.

Actually I dance really well on the floor.

I'm an extension of the coach on the floor.

I think I can beat Usher on the dance floor.

You earn playing time on the practice floor.

I haven't gotten in any trouble off the floor.

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

It was fun getting my feet wet on an NBA floor.

Tithing is a bad ceiling but an excellent floor.

I feel comfortable whenever I step on the floor.

I really try to handle my business on the floor.

Of course I want to be on the floor in the fourth.

I just got to be engaged on both sides of the floor.

I like feeling strong. It keeps my mental floor higher.

I think I can just bring shooting to stretch the floor.

The floor exercise is a way to express your personality.

I have to be mentally right every time I take the floor.

All I can control is what I do when I step on the floor.

I used to tell people I slept on the floor, in my songs.

When I dance, I picture myself and the floor in my head.

Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.

The Miami Heat floor is great, but a lot of them are not.

Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling?

I just like to hop up on the dance floor and do my thing.

I try to leave everything on the floor every single game.

I slept on a friend's kitchen floor for a year and a half.

I really feel like there's nothing I can't do on the floor.

I drilled holes in the floor of the club, and it's sinking.

There are conspiracies all over the Senate floor on any day!

If God wanted us to bend over he'd put diamonds on the floor.

'Love Story' I wrote on my bedroom floor in about 20 minutes.

When I hit the dance floor, I hit the dance floor pretty hard!

I advise keeping four feet on the floor and all hands on deck.

No one's built like me. I play 110% on both ends of the floor.

The key for me is the way I take care of myself off the floor.

You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.

I try not to put my purse on the floor - demons will get into it.

Everyone knows I get off the floor, and I fight until the finish.

We are all equal on this floor, and a senator must keep his word.

If we didn't have the Chinese buying things, we'd be on the floor.

I want to put myself in the best position to stay out on the floor.

Life is not having been told that the man has just waxed the floor.

A man is never drunk if he can lay on the floor without holding on.

My bag explodes with clothes all over my hotel room floor every day.

I'm not a cerebral player. When I'm out on the floor, I try to play.

I thought it was a wonderful line - right on the cutting room floor.

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