Being an All-Star is everything.

Obviously, I want to be an All-Star.

Do I want to be an All-Star? For sure.

It's always special to be an All-Star.

All-Star games don't resonate with me.

It's a personal goal for me to be an All-Star.

I'm happy that I got an All-Star under my belt.

I never cared for stuff like the All-Star Game.

They invented the All-Star game for Willie Mays.

I better make the All-Star team, and I better start.

I don't want the All-Star Game to be a one-time thing.

As a kid, everyone dreams of being in an All-Star game.

Personally, I wanna be in an All-Star Game. Get All-NBA.

Tim Duncan and Steve Smith made me feel like an All-Star.

People came to the All-Star Game to see the dunk contest.

Personally, do I feel like an All-Star? I don't think so.

I want to be an All-Star. That's my goal. And win a title.

To be in the All-Star Weekend is something that's special.

Growing up, I didn't really play in a lot of All-Star games.

It's a privilege to be an All-Star for the second straight year.

It's a team game. Not every game is going to be an all-star game.

I really appreciate the opportunity to play on the All-Star court.

To be part of the All-Star group is a great honor. It means a lot.

I want to go to the NBA and be an All-Star, to be honest with you.

I'll never say a player doesn't deserve to be on the all-star team.

Sure, I'd love to be an all-star - without going. If that's possible.

To hear people mentioning me for All-Star is an unbelievable feeling.

You can never take a day off, because there's an All-Star on every team.

I feel loved. That's more important to me than being an All-Star, honestly.

I am a reality all-star. This is what I do. I'm not an actor or an athlete.

I don't care about All-Star or the fame that comes with it, the recognition.

At the end of the day, if I become an All-Star, it's because of my teammates.

As a young player, achieving All-Star status isn't as easy as you might think.

You never think that you're going to be in the NBA but be an All-Star as well.

I think what's bad is that there aren't centers in the All-Star voting anymore.

I expect to play at an All-Star defensive level, and everything else will come.

I don't care about that All-Star bonus, to be honest. It's just about my legacy.

It's a real accomplishment for me, personally, to be named to the All-Star team.

I don't know if I expected to be a captain of an All-Star team. It's pretty cool.

All-Star Weekend always treats me great. I love the atmosphere that comes with it.

I played softball. I was on an all-star team. I traveled with the team. I loved it.

Baseball has better opening days and All-Star Games than the N.F.L. does. Ours stink.

I'm going to be an All-Star. I'm going to be a champion. Not just one, multiple times.

I never said to myself, 'Get to the NBA, be an All-Star, make a $100 million contract.'

After MIP, it was like, 'OK, there is way more.' We thinking MVP, we thinking All-Star.

When I get 100 percent, and I get to improve on the court, I feel I can be an All-Star.

Growing up, I was always that kid that kinda watched All-Star Weekend on TV, every event.

My personal goal was to get back to my true form, and my true form is an All-Star player.

When you play in the NBA, everybody wants to play in the All-Star Game. I really want to.

When I was a kid, watching All-Star week on TV, the Home Run Derby was a highlight for me.

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