It's always the compliments from people you love that mean so much.

I have always been and will be an enemy of communism, but I love all people.

I love people who break boundaries and always create something new and fresh.

It's always nice to have people love you, but I'd just like to be judged fairly.

Our love of people has always been our motivation and our competitive advantage.

I tend to always love material with flawed protagonists and morally ambiguous people.

I've always been a performer. I love doing impressions of people and being the clown.

Satire can always be found everywhere. A people without love for satire is a dead people.

I've always wanted to do charity stuff. I'm such a nurturer and love taking care of people.

My first love will always be fitness, so I want to share that with as many people as I can.

As always, I appreciate all the love and support people have sent and continue to send my way.

There is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love.

People will always need love, romance, a tender touch, and really personal and deeply felt music.

I figured, 'Why not go into entertainment?' I love entertaining people. I always loved being extra loud.

As for body-shaming, there will always be people who will love chubby people and those who will dislike them.

I always laugh because people assume I love horror because I do a horror movie, but I'm not a huge horror fan.

We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love - first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage.

'Red Dawn' was very resonant with a lot of people - they love that movie. I always thought it was a little hysterical.

People always say that, like, you're a dog person or a cat person. I just love animals. I'm not a dog person or a cat person.

I'm always shy when I meet people I admire so I wouldn't be able to say anything rather than, 'How do you do? Love you! Bye!'

There's always opposition when you do something big. I do many things that are controversial. When people see it, they love it!

I loved Arkansas and I loved the program and I loved the people there. I love my state. I always wanted to stay loyal to my state.

I'd love to sit down with Barbara Walters. She's always asking people about their personal lives. I'd like to see how she likes it.

I'm an American, and always will be. I happen to love that big, awkward, sprawling country very much - and its big, awkward, sprawling people.

'Superman' has always been about Lois Lane, Superman and Clark Kent and this love triangle between these three people who really are only two people.

Plenty of Disney kids are perfectly normal and love what they do. But you always hear about the people who aren't doing well. It's kind of like the squeaky wheel.

I think I'll always want to write and direct. I'm interested in producing and helping other people tell stories. But I'm still in love with writing and directing.

I tend to write a lot of love songs, but I always want there to be something real and authentic that people can connect to, and I want to not just do it in a stereotypical way.

I was always given the comedy role, even in the ballet. I was the one who fell off her points, you know? I love doing comedy, and I love being in things that make people laugh.

I love doing improv, and I swear by it, and I encourage people to take classes, and blah blah blah. But it's always been interesting how it doesn't necessarily translate to television.

I was always scared in the amateurs, but the minute I got in the ring it was like another person took over. I become more vicious. In there I love to hurt people. Outside I can't hurt a bug.

No matter how many books you've written, whenever you sit down to write a new book, you always feel the same challenge - how do you shape this story into a book that people are going to love.

I love getting out of the Q train at Union Square. It's such a mix of people, like a party. There's always an errand you can do along there, whether it's picking up contacts or buying poker chips.

I think the nice thing about 'Doctor Who' is whether people like it or don't like it, somewhere, someone loves you and will always love you - and the more everyone hates you, the more they'll love you.

The horror fan base is fantastic. It really has devoted fans, and I like that aspect of the genre. The people who are making it are always really wonderfully nerdy, creative people, which I always love.

I always gravitate towards anything from Ireland. With Irish lit, I love the use of language, but also in many instances, the Irish writers are writing about people and circumstances that I can relate to.

We always have relationships in our lives with people we've fallen in love with, who come back into our lives, and we fall in love with them again and go, 'I shouldn't be doing this,' but you can't stop it.

I love the shape of '50s fashion: the clothes are very flattering; they let you out in the right places. I love high heels, too, as I'm only five foot three, although I always tell people I'm five foot five.

One thing about Apple is they have these fanboys - as I always say, 'Sell to the people who love us.' For example when they came up with iPad mini, everyone who had an iPad went out and bought a mini as well.

I read, go for walks and I love to garden. My hands are such a mess. People think I should have movie star hands, but they're just gardening ones. Always slightly grubby and with a bit of dirt under the fingernails.

When I used to live in Toronto, I would always be the busiest person out of all my friends... no one could relate to what I was doing. When I'm in L.A., I constantly feel like I'm keeping up with people, and I love that.

When you're younger and you see something that really speaks to you, it's indelible in a way that's not the same as when you're an adult. So I'll always love reading books and making movies that resonate with young people.

Being from North Carolina, it's kind of slow-paced. There's not too much going on there, whereas in New Orleans, there's always something going on. I just love all the people, going out to dinner and enjoying anything I want.

I'm totally in love with Jane Austen and have always been in love with Jane Austen. I did my dissertation at university on black people in eighteenth-century Britain - so I'd love to do a Jane Austen-esque film but with black people.

I feel like people always thought my sister and I were models. I think it was just because if you went through Diva Search, that's just what you were. We were never models; we were athletes. We were athletes who fell in love with wrestling.

A lot of people say I seem masculine, but I don't feel it. I feel intrinsically feminine. I'd love to be one of the boys but I always felt a bit on the outside. Maybe my masculine qualities come from overcompensating because I'm not one of the boys.

I think people need to see Prince live to really understand how remarkable he is. He has always been inspiring because he is never afraid to break rules or barriers or invent something new - and if you love fashion, then you need to be able to do that.

When people talk about first-timers, I always think of Spike Lee. In every film he's made, he has A-listers, but he's always giving roles to first-time actors and breaking careers. He's brought such wonderful actors into the spotlight, and I love that.

Some people love Sundays; I don't, particularly. I used to rather dread them when I was younger. I was brought up on Sunday roasts, which I've always loathed. If I didn't finish my meat, I had to sit with it for most of the afternoon. No wonder I'm a vegetarian now.

I know it's 'Dear White People,' and you can imprint all kinds of concessions about what the show might be about on the title, but my goal was never to, like, educate white people. My goal was always to create characters that you can relate to and fall in love with.

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