I'll go to see movies, but I also love being at home on my couch and pausing every 10 minutes to pee.

I have a pile of scripts at home that I love. Some of them are hard to get made. We have to give up stuff. It's hard to get movies made.

I love going to the movies, whitewater rafting in the summer when I am home in Idaho, biking in the summer in Idaho, paddle boarding in the summer.

I really hated school and so I just wanted to stay home and watch 'I Love Lucy' and watch the movies that inspired me to the point where we are sitting here.

When I make a film I'm away from home for two to three months. So I want my kids to look at my films one day and say, I love his movies, I love his choices-because he loved them.

Like any other creative person, I would make home videos, and I would make sketches with my friends, and I would make my own movies, so I have some love for the creative process.

My past films came out on home entertainment in the U.S., so the next question was, how do we get a theatrical in the U.S.? Well, you put a monster in it. That will do it, because people love monster movies.

I just wear very nice pyjamas. When I'm at home, I love to watch movies and relax because when I'm modeling, I'm always travelling. When I'm not working I don't put much make up, but I do love nail polish for that little bit of fun colour.

I want to stick with movies, but I also want to stick with YouTube. I'm never going to give up YouTube. I'm never going to stop making videos for the people who continue to watch them. That's my home base. That's what I love; that's what I know.

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