I love to travel. This is the time for me. When will I do it if not now?

I'm a dancer. I love dancing and going out all the time. It makes me happy.

I love that quiet time when nobody's up and the animals are all happy to see me.

I love people for giving me their time. It's a privilege - I make the most of it.

Obviously I love Arsenal. But it's time for me to make it there or go somewhere else.

Scoring goals is what I love, and it gives me that confidence every time I hit the net.

I love my mother dearly, but it wouldn't be suitable for me to live with her all the time.

Jason Lee made me laugh all the time because he's so big, and I love how goofy bodies can be.

I love working with actors. That's what the set really is, for me. It's my time with the actors.

Whenever I'm free, I spend time with people I love, people that inspire me in many different ways.

Everything changes with time. I am not so experienced enough to analyze what the people love in me.

I have a very distinct goal all the time that I'm working toward, and I love the way it makes me live.

Film allows me to ask some really big questions with the time to explore them deeply. I love the form.

I love doing clean singing, which is one of the main things that drives me back to Kamelot all the time.

I love jamming with my band because the guys inspire me every time. We all get off on each other's playing.

I bought my daughter a Chihuahua and I fell in love with it. So now I carry Coco around with me all the time.

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic who listens to love ballads and doo-wop songs all the time.

I was painfully self-obsessed and self-aware. I wanted people to love me but at the same time I was terrified of them.

For me, I tend to enjoy wearing any period costume. I love how fashion and clothing has changed and evolved through time.

I love spending time with young people. I love to hear about what they think. It keeps me young. And they need role models.

I always love performing live, and that's what I was doing that started getting me acting parts, so I still find time do it.

I love extended solos. I used to like them in the old days a lot, because it used to give me time to go to the pub for a drink.

I have to do draft after draft... It takes me a long time, but I love doing it, and I have to do it every day, or I feel slack.

I love London; I could totally live here, actually. I'm in New York most of the time, and it really reminds me a lot of New York.

I love better to count time from spring to spring; it seems to me far more cheerful to reckon the year by blossoms than by blight.

I love when fans recognize me. Most of the time they don't have the guts to come up, so I'm like, 'Come here, say hi! I don't bite!'

The first time I jumped from a plane, I screamed like a woman. I was two miles up and you could hear me clear as day. Now I love it.

I say all the time that when you first meet me, you know three things right off the bat: I'm Nigerian, I love to laugh, and I love Jesus.

I would love for the time to come where somebody can talk about me and not have to talk about Britney and Christina in the same sentence.

I love kids. Every time I go around people neighborhood, they're like, 'Biz! Yo Gabba Gabba!' They want me to beatbox all the time for them.

I love comfort. Comfort is very key to me because I spend most of my time in very uncomfortable things, so it's all about trainers and flats.

People ask me to record their answering machines all the time. I love it. It's a miracle to me that people want to hear back those characters.

I love to give the fans what they want. They're what I miss most when I'm not wrestling. That time in the ring is like being in heaven for me.

Yes, I love white, and I'd wear it all the time if I could. Some people think I have an issue with cleanliness, but to me it's just so pretty.

I'm a call-sheet junkie. I love being on set. So, the hardest thing for me is dealing with all this idle time. That's when I get into trouble.

Being a grandmother is probably the most important thing to me. I have two really rambunctious little ones, and I love spending time with them.

One thing about bowl games for me is that big time programs might rank higher, but I love the regional match ups. The bragging rights are on the line.

I love reading; I really enjoy it. I read books quite fast, which kind of annoys me, but I like it at the same time because I can read a book in a day.

I want to stay for a long time and leave a mark so the young generation can aspire to be at the top like me. I love the sport, and that's what drives me.

For some reasons, I have WWE wrestlers tweeting me all the time. Like, my biggest fans. Why they can connect with my love for Meryl Streep, I don't know.

I get kind of emotionally involved very quickly, and I'm not going to spend time with someone unless I love them. But it's not hard for me to fall in love.

For everyone who hated, there are a hundred people who showed me love, and so, you know, I'm going to spend time showing them love than focusing on the negatives.

The first time I fell in love, I was in my 20s, and I loved someone right till I was 31. And then I felt that emotion died within me. I wasn't feeling alive at all.

It was a strange love story from the beginning. I could see Jean-Luc was looking at me all the time, and I was looking at him too, all day long. We were like animals.

I give people style tips in Whole Foods. Wherever I go, people want to ask me questions all the time, and I'm more than happy to answer them. I love talking to people.

I'm just not interested in getting judged or getting people to love me. Being seen and taking my photo and having to follow this schedule all the time, I don't enjoy it.

I like 'As Long As You Love Me' and 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber. It gets you moving - you just can't help it! And 'Teach Me How To Dougie' gets Zendaya and I every time.

Well I'm a longtime AOL subscriber and I love the whole thing. I'm an email junkie and I love the internet, though 7th Heaven doesn't give me much free time to surf these days.

I rekindled a friendship I hadn't had in a long time, and I was reminded of all the parts of me that had left. I was like, 'Wow, I love to paint and to write and to be outside.'

I get called to do a lot of labors of love... independent films on very small budgets. If I have the time and if the project speaks to me, it's better than sitting around, right?

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