Women love an honest man.

Women love a self-confident bald man.

Would you love a man of a broken shell after the passing of a women's soul?

I am a big believer in women's lib, but I love when a man holds a door for me.

We women are fools to do so much for the man we love. And we forget to stand for ourselves.

I love dominating in what's been considered man's world and showing them that women are equal talent.

I think all women want to get out of our own little bubble and challenge a man's world. And I love challenges.

Women love classes and like to be together. They enjoy exercise classes. But that's not what a man usually likes to do.

Most films seem to be about a man and a women falling in love at some point and once you pass forty-five, it's almost disgusting to fall in love.

Definitely I love women, I love being around women, I find them incredible and intoxicating, and I've never had that feeling I get with women with a man.

Virginity is such a personal thing. You can't judge anyone on it. A lot of young women feel they want to save themselves for the man who they think they'll love forever.

Women are just beginning to see that; there's something about being a woman that's innately different from being a man. I love what I'm seeing take place and I know Julia has so much to offer.

To wrap up the idea of 'Parade's End' in a sentence or two, I would say it's a love story in which we see a man with two women, and we know what's attractive about them. And we know why and what they feel about him.

One of the things I've realised is that I am very simple. My wife asked me once if I loved her. I said: 'Look love, I'm a simple man. I love you. End of story.' But I guess you gotta keep saying it with women. I guess she needed reassurance.

Most women have jobs that require them to leave the house. A cat is actually a perfect pet. You get the love and companionship of a creature covered in fur, and you don't have to take it for a walk, and it can feed itself. Less maintenance. Surely any man can appreciate the practicality of this choice.

People appreciate a confident man. They love a strong man, and when it comes to a woman, I don't know if people just expect women not to speak up for themselves or be weak or just always be the follow-behind, but I'm proud that I'm in a generation of leaders. I'm proud that I'm surrounded by very strong women.

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