I am a Madonna fan.

I kissed Madonna a few times.

Miley Cyrus is the new Madonna.

I think Madonna is a wonderful performer.

When I think of a hit, I think of Madonna.

I'm like Madonna, I'm not afraid to offend.

I'm like Madonna: I keep reinventing myself.

I would totally do a Madonna or Lady Gaga video.

Madonna taught me more philosophy than Ayn Rand.

Madonna was my favorite when I was a little kid.

I love divas. Madonna, Mariah, Beyonce, Britney.

I think Madonna might have a multiple personality.

It's a bit disconcerting being treated like Madonna.

I always like Madonna; any Madonna song is good for me.

I adore Madonna. She reinvents herself like no one else.

From my years on 'Will & Grace,' you'd think I'm Madonna.

I can tell you, to me, Lady Gaga is Madonna with diarrhea.

I didn't want to be known as Madonna's playboy, her boy toy.

Obviously Madonna reinforces everything absurd and offensive.

I was offered jobs impersonating everyone from Cher to Madonna.

I don't agree with everything Madonna's done but she is fearless.

But Madonna has a small amount of talent when it comes to movies.

Madonna is completely down-to-earth. She's an absolute professional.

Madonna has total control over her life, and not many women have that.

I would work with someone humble like that guy Peter Andre than Madonna.

Madonna and I worked very closely. I was more like the big sister to her.

Madonna's always going to be number one, but I'm definitely a Britney fan.

I loved Michael Jackson and Madonna. I styled my hair like Whitney Houston.

Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.

I grew up a Madonna fan, still am a Madonna fan, and will die a Madonna fan.

I think the best artists are the ones who constantly change - Madonna, Bowie.

Madonna is my absolute queen - as a performer, there's no one better than her.

I'd love to do a duet, always wanted to work with Madonna, but she never asked.

I like Madonna a lot. I think she's really good, and I think she's a good singer.

I'm massively inspired by Janet Jackson, and I adore Whitney Houston and Madonna.

If Madonna asks anybody to go and hang out with them for a month, they'd all do it.

I've never seen Madonna. I just grew up listening to her music - I want to see her.

I like Madonna's music but not her movies. She should stick to what she is good at.

As a major contemporary composer, Madonna should not let the eye dictate to the ear.

I need to show the world that my final goal is to perform huge concerts like Madonna.

I was thrilled when a designer shop assistant said I was a size smaller than Madonna!

If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna.

I'm like Madonna: I'm Ming-Na. Just my first and middle name. That's it. Pure and simple.

I grew as close to Madonna as I've ever been to a woman without being romantically involved.

I'm a good Catholic girl in the way that Madonna is. In the sense that I'm not that good at all.

Madonna's like a black widow spider. She tends to use people, then they shrivel up and disappear.

I have met Madonna. I have met Oprah Winfrey. I have met some of the most phenomenal people alive.

We live in an era of reinvention: Madonna and everybody desperately trying to change their persona.

My mom always plays Madonna in the car, so I was kind of familiar with what she was into in the '80s.

Madonna, Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe - they were myths of greatness.

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