One day it'll all make sense.

Legalisation doesn't make sense.

Writing is making sense of life.

We write to make sense of it all.

Make sense who may. I switch off.

Nothing makes sense, why should I?

Why should poetry have to make sense?

The best things in life don't make sense

You either make sense or you make money.

A prayer makes sense only if it is lived.

Faith doesn't make sense. It makes miracles.

I’m a cat. We aren’t required to make sense.

The universe does not make sense without God.

If it doesn't make sense, it's usually not true.

Vampire fad just won't die. Makes sense, I guess.

My humor is very dry. To me it doesn't make sense.

It makes sense that there is no sense without God.

The world doesn't make sense until you force it to.

The things that matter don't necessarily make sense.

I like when things happen organically and make sense.

Before any of it could make sense, it had to be heard.

In a world like this one, only the random makes sense.

My humor had changed from foolishness to making sense.

Wisdom means to choose now what will make sense later.

The American dream only makes sense if you're sleeping.

Never ignore the feelings that don't seem to make sense.

I know what I want to do and it makes sense to get going.

I don't need to be wildly famous for my life to make sense.

We need to do things better, but in a way that makes sense.

Stop making sense. Logic is predictable. Think differently.

I write to make sense of things that dont make sense to me.

She was here on earth to make sense of its wild enchantments.

I'm a workaholic because I love to play, if that makes sense.

A word to the wise is not sufficient if it doesn't make sense.

Each poem leads you to the questions it makes sense to ask it.

Philosophizing is a process of making sense out of experience.

When you hear his music, mine will all of a sudden make sense.

Military intelligence, two words combined that cant make sense

That's what heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterdays

Life only makes sense when our highest ideal is to serve Christ!

To do work that's not going to be fulfilling doesn't make sense.

Only in being productively active can man make sense of his life.

We need to have faith in the future to make sense of the present.

Relationships dont always make sense. Especially from the outside

Windows isn't supposed to make sense, it's supposed to make money.

If you love animals, obviously it doesn't make sense to hurt them.

Rapping about a surgery is something that makes sense for me to do.

Anything can be a musical if it makes sense for it to be a musical.

It doesn't pay to ignore warnings. Even when they don't make sense.

All things make sense; you just have to fathom how they make sense.

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