I love sheet masks.

Not all face masks are created equal.

I have several different masks that I wear.

We all have to wear social masks in our daily lives to get by.

I usually treat myself to a monthly facial, but I also love masks.

It is a career of make-believe, of masks. We all have masks in life.

Everywhere else, we are someone else, but at home, we remove our masks.

The masks, for us, are more of a way to present ourselves live, you know?

The children don't wear their masks at home and in controlled surroundings.

Acting is largely about putting on masks, and music is about removing them.

We all have split personalities; we all wear masks at some point in our careers.

The masks were more of a representation of what you wanted to present as yourself.

I got the bill for my surgery. Now I know what those doctors were wearing masks for.

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.

My relationship to food is that of an acrophobe to a bridge. Unease masks a desire to jump.

Behind the masks of total choice, different forms of the same alienation confront each other.

The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party, when the masks are dropped.

Whenever I'd seen Greek tragedy done with masks and declamations, it brought me out in a rash.

The New York Times published the guest list on the front page. The masks were a brilliant concept.

I don't wear any masks. If I am happy, you get to see it; if I am angry, then you get to see that also.

I rarely do masks because, if I have any extra time, I'd rather spend it with my friends than on myself.

I don't really do any sprays or masks. I usually think that my hair looks and feels best with less in it.

I'm a tearless clown. If I were to get a tattoo, it would be the two masks, and they would be both smiling.

In Mexico, wrestling is part of the cultural fabric. The guys wear masks and they are real-life superheroes.

Sometimes I'll make face masks at home, and it's fun. I love that. I've been doing it since I was a teenager.

I went through a phase of buying a lot of masks, as anyone who has been to a party at the house will testify.

I learned early on that in the real world, the masks of tragedy and comedy adorn the proscenium of every life.

People think actresses find public speaking easy, and it's not easy at all; we're used to hiding behind masks.

I always make sure I deeply hydrate my face with ampoules or facial masks every four hours when I'm on the road.

Totem poles and wooden masks no longer suggest tribal villages but fashionable drawing rooms in New York and Paris.

As actors, we get to hide. You can change your hair and your accent, and it's not you. You have tricks, these masks.

Corey Taylor won't be mad at me saying, but I didn't think there'd be other bands. I thought we'd wear masks forever.

Stay hydrated. Make sure you're wearing some protection. Do weekly masks, exfoliating masks. Keep your skin hydrated.

I treat myself to facials now, but even when I couldn't afford to do that, I'd get scrubs and masks from the drugstore.

Negotiating deals among members of Congress is an exercise in wearing masks, scaring up votes, and, oftentimes, bluffing.

The people no longer has confidence in its former protectors, now its exploiters and executioners. The masks have fallen.

Thanks to social media, we've also been able to show ourselves as we are. In the end, masks are useless. You have to be real.

I have been interested in beauty from an early age. My sister used to put face masks on me and do me up with my mother's makeup!

I definitely do not like Halloween. I don't like masks, creepy clowns, dark things, goblins or witches. They're not just my thing.

In masks outrageous and austere, The years go by in single file; But none has merited my fear, And none has quite escaped my smile.

Masks are wonderfully paradoxical in this way: while they may hide the physical reality, they can show us how a person wants to be seen.

Through the ages, from the beginning of time, I'm certain man has covered woman's face with masks. They are, however, his masks, not hers.

It was just so cool to put on my uncle's masks and wrestle with him. I knew that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a part of this world.

The countenances of children, like those of animals, are masks, not faces, for they have not yet developed a significant profile of their own.

Growing up in Florida and having naturally curly hair was a bit tough. I had to learn to do treatments and masks to keep the frizz under control.

I love aloe vera, and I apply a lot of fruit and vegetable pulp as masks on my skin - fresh tomatoes, banana, avocado - anything that is around me.

I had a birthday one night on a farm we were shooting on. I walked into the tent, and there were 150 people waiting for me, all wearing masks of my face.

Before children, even the most cynical people throw down their usual masks and become capable of feeling the purity and love which all human beings seek.

I've lived so deep under masks, my interior was built to satisfy me alone - I have lived almost 60 years alone, mentally, and quite content to have it so.

And when Roger talks about the frightened ones running away from the bombs, I immediately thought of my days when I was young and I had to wear these gas masks.

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