I never met Paul McCartney.

I worked with Paul McCartney, and he was lovely.

Paul McCartney has always been the love of my life.

It's easier to be Eric Idle than to be Paul McCartney.

My favorite album is 'Ram' by Paul and Linda McCartney.

Any time you get to see Paul McCartney, it is pretty special.

I used to fantasize that Paul McCartney would marry my sister.

I would love to work with a Beatle: Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr.

I would really love to work with Paul McCartney. Isn't that arrogant?

My dad used to play that Paul McCartney song 'Let 'Em In.' That was dope.

Paul McCartney would be the end all, be all. To work with Paul would just be amazing.

When I worked for Entertainment Tonight I got to emcee Paul McCartney's press conference.

You could live in Winnipeg a thousand years and not meet Ringo, Paul McCartney, or Bob Dylan.

Lennon and McCartney have the best catalogue of songs ever produced. It will never be surpassed.

Of course, Paul McCartney's sound is different from mine, but it's the way you hear things, really.

Yoko Ono never deserved any of the hate she got. Paul McCartney and John Lennon weren't getting along.

There weren't a lot of girl singers around. Paul McCartney and John Lennon were the guys I looked up to.

Paul McCartney and John Lennon would often write a song a day, so I have the same workmanlike philosophy.

I don't feel like we have that Paul McCartney gene, and I think the cool thing about us is that we know it.

I would love to just talk to Paul McCartney. That would be incredible, but that is definitely like a dream.

Rock stars' wives have never been given an easy time. They weren't nice about Linda McCartney till she died.

I worked with Paul McCartney for a while and saw what it does to you to be treated like a god for twenty years.

Sometimes fans for male pop stars or actors can be a little crazy. I was that way with Jesse McCartney and N'Sync.

Sometimes Lennon needed McCartney and sometimes Simon needed Garfunkel. You'd go mad doing everything on your own.

Lennon and McCartney became great songwriters because they were prepared to listen to and learn from all types of music.

If Paul McCartney tells me that so-and-so song is his favorite song, what do I care? What do I care what anybody else says?

Stella McCartney is just the coolest show to do. I love the collection. I love the setting. All of her stuff always feels so fresh.

I have a Stella McCartney Adidas sports bra. I feel like I'm totally comfortable running. No problem. I have support where I need it.

It's not like me and Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr hang out every week, but we keep together in promoting Transcendental Meditation.

I can go out and chill with my friends, go out to dinner, and I won't get hounded like, I'm sure, Paul McCartney or somebody like that.

I've always been a huge admirer and lover of Alexander McQueen, Alexander Wang. I love so many British designers like Stella McCartney.

I don't want to interview people. I want to have a conversation. I want to talk to Paul McCartney about the bass sound on 'The White Album.'

Many people say some of their best ideas come from dreams. Arguably the greatest Beatles song, 'Yesterday,' came to Paul McCartney in a dream.

It was pretty insane to play the Grammy Awards and looking out in the audience and seeing rock royalty - Bono and Paul McCartney. It was crazy.

My favourite designers are Stella McCartney, Balenciaga, Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel and Givenchy, but I wish I had loads of money to spend on them.

A unique style comes from not being able to do things in a conventional manner. If David Byrne could have sung like Paul McCartney, he would have.

Look at Paul McCartney, look at Elton John. They're jealous of Justin Timberlake. I'm sure they were jealous of me when I was in my imperial phase.

I love Stella McCartney because she's timeless and classic, and I love Isabel Marant for wearability - you don't need 'an occasion' for her clothes.

I won't apologize for ticket prices. I think we're well worth it. We consider ourselves in the elite touring acts, like the Stones, Elton John, Paul McCartney.

Everybody who I ever cared about has told me that they like my music: Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Al Green, The Spinners, Smokey Robinson. Everybody that matters.

I think it's entirely possible to have a career in fashion and raise a child. Stella McCartney is on her fourth child and remains both a fashion icon and a great mom.

I can't make Based God music all the time. The Based God is something that is better than Lil B and better than Brandon McCartney; he's something that I aspire to be.

I wasn't Lennon, or I wasn't McCartney. I was me. And the only reason I started to write songs was because I thought, 'Well, if they can write them, I can write them.'

The Seventies was a golden era. Back then we had some incredible talent with bands like the Undertones, the Rolling Stones and artists like Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney.

I like Stella McCartney, Chloe, Alexander McQueen, Aaron Featherstone, normal Chanel if I can ever afford it, I'd be wearing that all the time! I like to admire from afar.

I wanted the collection for Target to reinterpret all the must-haves of Stella McCartney for winter and to make my designs more accessible to a wider audience in Australia.

Jesse McCartney is one of the nicest people around. I hate when I hear bad things about him, because anyone who knows him would agree that he's a good guy and really humble.

'Band on the Run' is a carefully composed, intricately designed personal statement that will make it impossible for anyone to classify Paul McCartney as a mere stylist again.

To tell the truth, I'd join a band with John Lennon any day, but I couldn't join a band with Paul McCartney, but it's nothing personal. It's just from a musical point of view.

People say the Beatles were John Lennon. What is Paul McCartney? Chopped liver? But everyone has their own favourite members whose creativity they gravitate to. That's normal.

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