If somebody smiles at me on the street, I'm like, 'Hi, have a nice day!'

Everybody that I meet inspires me. You can learn so much from any person that you meet any day on the side of the street.

It never dawned on me that I had the option of becoming a comedian. I come from a little dirt street town in northwest Texas, and they really don't talk about the arts there much on career day.

For me, it's mostly about having stuff on the street. You're walking down the street, you do it every day, and suddenly there's something that wasn't there yesterday: something bright and cheerful and different. It might stay there for a year; maybe it will disappear.

Not a day goes by where I'm not reminded of Gollum by some person in the street who asks me to do his voice or wants to talk to me about him. But because 'The Hobbit' has been talked about as a project for many years, I knew that at some point I'd have to reengage with him.

There will come a day when someone calls to tell me my column's been binned, and that will be a really hard day, and I've already got it set up so that they'll ring someone else first - because I don't want to be given that news when I'm walking down the street, because it will be really heartbreaking.

I had a day off, and I was walking down the street one day, and this Mercedes pulls up alongside me, and Alec Guinness leaned out and said, 'What are you doing, Kenny?' I said, 'I'm just walking around,' and he said, 'Do you want to come and see an oasis with my wife and I?' There was nothing arrogant or flash about him at all.

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