I don't know what my path is yet. I'm just walking on it.

I don't know what my path is yet. I'm just walking on it.

I love just walking around New York. It's like a whole world in one place.

There are so many heroes just walking around in everyday life. It blows me away.

My favorite thing is just walking in the woods. I can do it for days on end without tiring of it.

I always wear sunglasses and often a panama hat, even if I'm just walking in the park, if the sun is hot.

It takes more than just walking across the border to become an American citizen. It's what's in our souls.

I remember being a student, and I would go every Friday to the Louvre and stay for ages, just walking around.

I find teaching - I like it, but I find just walking into the classroom and facing the students very difficult.

The minute a male model looks like he's doing a runway walk, it falls apart. It should look like they're just walking.

I am a man of faith and faith is not always supposed to happen and what you see, sometimes it's just walking that path.

Hollywood is a suction for your confidence or your faith or your togetherness. Just walking on the street you can feel it.

Marking success, for me, is walking onto a court and just walking off healthy, no matter if it is one minute or two minutes.

I've been friends with a lot of the NXT competitors for years, but just walking into the Performance Center alone is intimidating.

I love going to the beach. I like just walking around South Beach, but sometimes, when you're famous, it can be a little difficult.

When you're in a position to be paparazzi-ed just walking down the street, you'd look a little daft if you were smiling all the time.

There's nothing more fun than just walking through town or maybe going to a community-based festival. How much does that cost? Nothing!

Whether it's just walking down the street to try to go to a movie, go to dinner, something like that, there are always a few people that recognize you.

I miss the BBC when I'm away. I'm away so much that it's a pleasure just walking back through the door and sitting on the sofa to watch some rubbish TV.

I'm not the biggest horror fan. I get scared so easily. If I'm just walking on set, and someone taps me on the shoulder, I scream and jump and freak out.

Some sports, you see some athletes just walking around the gym not really doing anything, eating food. They're first to the lunchroom, never lifting weights.

It's hard to understand why just walking around for two hours and taking pictures would be just a big deal, but once you try it, you'll fall in love with it.

Once I started feeling better and healthier and learned to walk on my first prosthetic leg, I realised I'm not going to be satisfied with just walking around.

This whole thing about winning and losing is muddy waters. But I can remember, as a young actor, just walking around this city and not being able to get arrested.

My first day in Chicago, September 4, 1983. I set foot in this city, and just walking down the street, it was like roots, like the motherland. I knew I belonged here.

Paris is a place where, for me, just walking down a street that I've never been down before is like going to a movie or something. Just wandering the city is entertainment.

My everyday life is not just walking around on clouds. But you have to give the really special things in life importance and not let the temporary things roll you off the road.

I've taken clowns into the war in Bosnia, the refugee camps of Kosovo, and none of those are any more important than clowning in a subway or an elevator or just walking down the street.

The best thing for me is, when I'm not working, is to be at home and to have a script or two scripts is better, and to be just walking around the house and just thinking about the lines.

I was amazed and upset by the looks I got just walking around the studio... It illuminates the ugliness and the beauty that exists within each of us, and that's what this story represents to me.

I went and took golf lessons so Dad would let me play with him. I was just terrible... but I was able to have a wonderful time just walking around with Dad. I can see the real pleasure of that game.

When you get all this stuff on and you put on the guns and the hair, it has an effect on the actor. It tends to lend a certain something to the way you feel as you're just walking around looking that way.

I was accustomed to being in far, far riskier environments. So I thought going into that canyon was a walk in the park - there were no avalanches, it was a beautiful day and I was essentially just walking.

One of the places where we lived when I was growing up had this big wood out the back. And starting when I was about 8, I used to enjoy just walking alone through the wood late. Eleven p.m. Midnight. Later.

If a club like Barcelona can do it, then why can't other clubs? It's amazing that we can be here alongside the men and the way everyone is integrated in the club. People aren't just walking past you going, 'Who's that?'

A day off after a show with no agenda in a foreign city is about the most fertile creative situation I can imagine. Just walking with nothing to do, killing time and hearing the sights and sounds of an unfamiliar place.

And, you know, you try and preach to them there's more to this game than just walking up to home plate, swinging the bat, fielding a ground ball. There's some dedication in it, some love you've got to put into this work.

I wanted to show people that doctors are humans, too. It's important for us to be around other people - that way, we can understand our patients better rather than just walking into a room, barking orders, and walking out.

Part of what I do and what I want to do is I want to bring art into the everyday life. If you can take ordinary just walking in the street and you're confronted by something, that might change your day - it might inspire you.

I was never a troublemaker, but I also was never a nerdy kid. I was never a cool kid or a sports kid. At lunchtimes, I never fit in with any cliques, so I'd end up just walking around the school by myself, listening to music.

Just look at my face. Its an extraordinary experience. All of my friends who are grandparents have been saying, just wait, a bit cynically, but its just extraordinary. You feel like a child again yourself. Just walking on air.

You can learn from everyone, the president or the cleaner. You need teachers in life, but they're not always school teachers or professors. You learn from ordinary people. You learn from travel, from just walking down the street.

Characters can become boring. That's what's tricky about television. It goes on and on - you're playing this same character for five seasons and it gets easy to fall into just walking on the set and assuming you know how to play a scene.

My favorite thing is just walking around London in no direction. I love people watching. And you can turn down a street and feel suddenly as if you are in Venice, or you'll be in a Spanish area or somewhere very English or Middle Eastern.

My teams in Serbia always had really good point guards. But I have always loved to dribble the ball. Even when I was outside, just walking by myself, I would always love to dribble and imagine my defender there in front of me - what I would try to do.

My main message is for people to live your life through love. That doesn't necessarily mean through a relationship. It could be your friends, your family, your workplace, even just walking down the street and smiling, saying 'Hi!' Embracing positivity!

You have the wookie character, which is one of the biggest aliens in 'Defiance.' These guys are just walking about with these mechanical faces on, and it actually looks insane. The amount of diversity of all the aliens in the town is quite unbelievable.

You cut up a piece of fruit, peel it, put it on a dish, and top it with something fun, and it feels like a real snack, instead of just walking down the street while peeling an orange and eating it: you're not actually taking a minute to enjoy that snack.

When people call something a 'fail,' it's because you tried to accomplish something but didn't make it. If you're just walking down the street and something bad just happens to you, that's not really a fail on your part. You might call that situation a fail.

I've experienced all the food and restaurants in New Orleans. I've been doing a bit of touristing when I have the day off, just walking in the French Quarter. To me, it's very, very surprising how people are so friendly. But no, it's very different from Paris.

I met a Shanghai photographer who finds these old streets and matches the French names to what they are today. I was able to find my grandfather's block, and just walking the same streets and finding his house was deeply moving. I finally felt connected to China.

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