I love being an actor, and that's really the bottom line - in any medium, in any genre - and I want to do it.

I am not the one for monotony. I am all for chances and its every medium, every genre that I want to explore.

The only medium where people are truly exploring themselves and going out to experiment is the digital space.

Cinema is a director's medium; it's his story and his vision. If it's a good story, people will connect to it.

At any filmmaking class, you learn the power of the visual medium and are always trying to minimise the words.

When you're working in a collaborative storytelling medium, every step of the way, you're opening yourself up.

I grew up going to the movies, not watching them on television, so I'm still a bit resistant to TV as a medium.

We relate comics to the main super-heroes, but it's a great medium through which all sorts of stories are told.

With 'Sharknado,' they've got a great mix of TV and film. This is a film that has film impact in the TV medium.

My job is to catch the ball no matter how they throw it - hard, soft, medium. You've got to be able to catch it.

If you have something to say, a movie is a really great medium to say it. It doesn't matter what the message is.

Myth is a powerful medium because it talks to the emotions and not the head. It moves us into an area of mystery.

The novel has always been the form that incorporates other forms. For me, it has always been the ultimate medium.

In 1949 there was a new thing called Television, to which my agency and advisers opposed as a performance medium.

Podcasting is a personal medium, and I savour those moments where details of the podcasters' lives glint through.

I started out in the theater when I was a young actor, so I've always tried to move from one medium to the other.

I don't have a preferred medium of work, but like all actors, I do like to move from one to the other if possible.

Music is the medium that has taken me around the world, and I would be lying if I said I could live without music.

I had never done TV. I think it's a foolish medium for, most rock 'n roll music. Nobody ever comes off well on TV.

TV's a wonderful medium: this intimate way of observing how a successful family operates and deals with each other.

It betrays hubris on the part of the artist to think his medium is limiting him, and I think we all recognize this.

I feel that film is inevitably the medium of the future. It has been for years, decades, but more so now than ever.

I would love Giuliana small, medium, large or extra large and I will love her no matter how much weight she gained.

For all its power as a protest medium, black Twitter serves a great many users as a virtual place to just hang out.

I enjoy all mediums, and I have to say, music is the medium that first made me understand how powerful art could be.

We all know that spinners dominate in Indian conditions, so it's good if medium pacers can get at least two wickets.

Even though technically the fundamentals of acting are always the same in every medium, what's different is the size.

I have always thought of comedy as an important job and medium, and so I put pressure on myself to do the best I can.

Fifty-million-dollar movies gobble up the medium movies. A lot of people aren't working in Hollywood because of this.

Television is a visual medium. You have to create some kind of visual interest. And it's entertainment for your eyes.

Fans tend to get too excited by streaks of either kind and I think the press does too. There should be a happy medium.

I don't see a difference between the big screen and the small one. We are entertainers, and the medium doesn't matter.

The movie medium will eventually take its place as art because there is no other medium of interest to so many people.

I care about the connection with the audience. Film is such a powerful medium. Movies can change the way people think.

I don't have a particular ambition in any medium. I just want to keep telling stories. If somebody pays me, also good.

I prefer to have one gigantic laugh preceded by several smaller laughs rather than a bunch of medium laughs all along.

I am primarily a writer of books, and I enjoy that. But I come to realize that a lot of people prefer a visual medium.

We believe that games are a legitimate medium, as legitimate as literature, to talk about very dark and serious things.

It has always been my belief that creation, the making of 'art' in any medium or combination of mediums, is a holy act.

I'm just looking to explore every medium to express my talent, but I think mostly it's going to be a focus on features.

Short-termism is no longer an option. We have to envisage humanitarian action with a medium- and long-term perspective.

In a popular medium, you're going to get loads of stuff that is trite, but there'll also be some really special moments.

TV is just such a fast-moving medium that you do what you can do, and what you can't do, you don't worry about too much.

I am very excited about the TV medium and the Amazon-Netflix medium. It has been so liberating to work on these formats.

It's a very powerful medium now, and should be celebrated as such, because we have the greatest television in the world.

Every opportunity to practice is a gift to the developing reader. Practice, practice, practice, in every form and medium!

I don't scoff at the desire to make good movies. I scoff at the quality at poseurs masquerading as masters of the medium.

My grandfather was a faith healer and medium, and he always encouraged faith in the unseen. I believe in fortune tellers.

I will play different characters and do whatever excites me. I won't stick to one medium and as they say, never say never.

I believe that music is a force in itself. It is there and it needs an outlet, a medium. In a way, we are just the medium.

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