Kids are plugged into some sort of electronic medium 44 hours per week.

I haven't stopped painting or drawing - I've just added another medium.

Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done.

As films are a mass medium, if more people love your work, it is better.

There is no win-win or lose-lose in a situation. Everything is a medium.

At Warby Parker, we say that we're customer focused but medium agnostic.

I loved the medium of TV from the first moment that I got into a studio.

Digital media has destroyed much of the magic and mystery of the medium.

Experimenting with your own life is the most fundamental medium we have.

Combining my love for charity and my love for exercise is a happy medium.

Cinema is an infinite medium, so we should take advantage of it, I think.

The artist is the medium between his fantasies and the rest of the world.

Rail in Europe is incredibly important as far as a transportation medium.

Five years ago, we thought of the Web as a new medium, not a new economy.

TV has given me everything. Whatever I am today is because of this medium.

I think theatre is an actor's medium, while cinema is a director's medium.

I am a singer, first and foremost, but the medium happens to be the cello.

I am delighted just to work on a good movie, no matter what the medium is.

Theatre is like an actor's nectar, like how cinema is a director's medium.

I think, in any sort of medium, repetition makes you better at your trade.

I have been doing films since I was seven. I really love the medium itself.

With any new medium, the full power is only unearthed with experimentation.

The important thing is to do good work, no matter what medium you do it in.

Except theatre, there is no medium which can satisfy good artistes in India.

I wanted to do new things with dance, adapt it to the motion picture medium.

Films are a fantastic medium and the huge impact they have cannot be denied.

I don't think that theater is the higher medium, that it's better than film.

Photography is still a very new medium and everything must be tried and dare.

Books are an ancient and proven medium. Their physical form inspires passion.

Film is the medium for communicating not just ideas, but things of the heart.

Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme.

Comic books and graphic novels are a great medium. It's incredibly underused.

The first prerogative of an artist in any medium is to make a fool of himself.

I've made a lifelong attempt to involve myself deeper and deeper in my medium.

I'm an accidental business person. I just love the medium. I love the Internet.

Trust is the conduit for influence; it's the medium through which ideas travel.

As a medium, film has great potential, but its use is dominated by big capital.

Entertainment is often a medium in which you can put yourself front and center.

It's an actor's job to play all the human conditions - light, dark, and medium.

Prayer is the medium of miracles; in whatever way works for you, pray right now.

The way I look at it, movies are a different medium for storytelling than books.

I enjoy Instagram because it is a visual medium platform, with more photographs.

In the medium or long term we'll all be dead. Let's deal with the problems at hand.

I look to a lot of artists who don't focus on one medium, who you can't pigeonhole.

I think that cinema is medium of communication. It's as valid as novels or fine art.

I am trying to do comedy on every single medium. I consider myself a public servant.

I'm very interested in politics, and I feel TV is a more political medium than film.

Though television is a smaller medium than the stage, you can't be afraid to be big.

The world stretches before me, the vast world of the big, the little, and the medium.

Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.

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