Videos are a very difficult medium to be good at and also a difficult medium to consume quickly.

If you're like me, food is a medium for communication. It's an expression of love and affection.

I love the medium and I love individual comics, but the business is nothing I would be proud of.

When the medium of the film is English, even the illiterates also should speak in proper English.

The medium is less important than the story we're trying to tell and the funniest way to tell it.

You can't really be passionately moderate. It's like wearing an 'Extra Medium' - it doesn't exist.

My standard Nando's order is a chicken breast burger served 'medium,' which is still fairly spicy.

I think film and television are really a director's medium, whereas theatre is the actor's medium.

I think at any point, as an artist, whatever the medium - just having an audience means the world.

I'm not faithful to one particular medium, and it's what I try to teach to people who work with me.

Dreamland is a book, but it's my song in book form. It's translated itself into a different medium.

Most people return small favors, acknowledge medium ones and repay greater ones - with ingratitude.

I believe that acting in any medium is the same thing, it's discovering the truth in where you are.

I love television. Television is a great medium; I'm fortunate enough to direct amazing television.

It's better to be on a soap opera to renew your career and following than to be on any other medium.

Since I am an actress and not a social activist, cinema is the best medium for me to state my views.

I believe that the story is the most important element of any medium whether it's theater, film, TV.

It's scary how effective movies can be. It's a very powerful medium that I think is sometimes abused.

In the TV world, we are seeing a lot more power going to the writer. I sense it is a writer's medium.

Direct address has been a consistent tactic in my work, regardless of the medium that I'm working in.

I do think you are mainly thrown into one medium as an actor, and then hopefully you grow from there.

I am a big fan of work in any medium that can take on death - being dead, being a soul - in a new way.

Never in the history of cinema has a medium entertained an audience. It's what you do with the medium.

When you're doing something where you really like the material, it doesn't matter what medium it's in.

Television is a producers' medium. There is a formula with a certain number of closeups for each show.

The Internet, as a First Amendment medium, hinges on free expression, and that means free advertising.

When you are adapting a book to a visual medium, you tend to leave a few things and add a few new ones.

But, in fairness to them, too, the popular song per se is really a pretty shallow medium to perform in.

The real power of Web is the ability of the medium to have a one-to-one relationship with the audience.

I have had really positive experiences in every medium, as well as horrible experiences in every medium.

In fact, in lyric poetry, truthfulness becomes recognizable as a ring of truth within the medium itself.

I have always been wanting to do TV as it is a huge medium and in India we are making such amazing shows.

I won't even try to predict the specifics, but I think the ebook - as a medium - could be a game-changer.

My talent as a footballer was medium. But I had heart, a will to win, to work to overcome my limitations.

I don't think there's an option for me to fall in love slowly or at medium speed. I either do, or I don't.

You have to love Dr. Seuss to take on the responsibility of conveying his work in animation or any medium.

Cinema is a visual medium one has to communicate through visuals, and therefore, dialogues should be less.

I like working in any medium. Who's making it? How much do I like the story? Does it contribute something?

I love the podcast medium. I really like the intimacy of it. You're just listening to voices in your ears.

Photography can never grow up if it imitates some other medium. It has to walk alone; it has to be itself.

I am someone who takes pleasure in exploring the full scale of the medium photography. I am a photographer.

Be it television, theatre, or radio, I can work in any medium. I don't want to limit myself to just movies.

I learned to think about religion, race and sex through the complex and often unattractive medium of jokes.

I'm very distanced from the comics industry. I love the comics medium, but I have no time for the industry.

I feel, having the choices I had, I felt I had more control over my own medium than I did over photography.

Technology has definitely changed a lot, and it has made the medium of cinema very accessible for aspirants.

One of the key characteristics of the comic book medium is that it is not brought to life by just one voice.

Connection is what one is after in probably most media, but certainly in film, which is an immersive medium.

It's also a more personal medium. It seems to go directly to one's brain. There are no pictures to distract.

I grew up years ago doing something that unfortunately doesn't hardly exist any more, a medium called Radio.

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