I was very much taken with carbon fibers because they seemed like the perfect medium to explore transport studies in carbon-based systems.

Video games are an exciting medium. The creativity of design, the technology and the interaction represent the best of American innovation.

The public should have access to unfettered communication and commerce, and the Internet is increasingly the medium where that takes place.

I think 'Westworld' and 'Hap and Leonard' are two of the greatest things that you can do with this oversized pool of the television medium.

Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution.

My foundation in acting has been serious theatre: Albert Camus, Arthur Miller, Shakespeare. It's really the best medium to learn the craft.

People ask me, 'Is 3D a good medium for horror movies?' I think it's the perfect thing for horror movies because it really puts you into it.

If you want an alternative currency, check out gold. It has stood the test of thousands of years as a store of value and medium of exchange.

The present hardly exists, after all-it becomes the past even as it happens. A tricky medium, time - and central to the concerns of fiction.

The industry sees animation as a genre rather than a medium. It has been pigeonholed into being just for kids' entertainment, and that's it.

Television is not an easy medium, as keeping the audience glued to the TV screens day after day is something which requires a lot of effort.

I think in daily newspapers, the way comic strips are treated, it's as if newspaper publishers are going out of their way to kill the medium.

Motion pictures are a director's medium. Broadway is a writer's medium. Television is a producer's medium. I picked a medium I could control.

Theater is still a medium which attracts young writers. You'd think that it would be all over by now, with television and film. But it's not.

I look at a film as just a film; language doesn't really matter. I just don't want to limit myself to a particular language, genre or medium.

If one sees far, structural changes that come with temporary disruptions can be growth- and efficiency-augmenting in the medium to long term.

I was born on TV, meaning that's where I caught my break. So that's where I always have to be smart and revisit that medium as much as I can.

In the medium and long term. Spain is solvent and able to pay its high debts. In the short-term, we have the capacity to meet our obligations.

Audiences in every medium are becoming far more savvy. No one goes to watch a Tom Cruise movie any more just because it's starring Tom Cruise.

Television is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.

I have to tell you, TV is an incredibly difficult medium. The most challenging show to do is the hour long dramedy. It's a very tricky format.

In films, you have to follow the director's vision. Filmmaking is a director's medium. So everything happens as per the script and his vision.

I assure, the door to politics is never closed. Whatever medium is necessary to reach the masses, I will take that - be it cinema or politics.

I've been using the power of the IMAX medium, with its gigantic screens and supervivid pictures, to get people to fall in love with the ocean.

In an age where television is viewed as the best medium to 'tell stories,' narrative often stands in for substance on would-be prestige shows.

In visual perception a color is almost never seen as it really is - as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art.

I'm trying to interpret the film through the director's head, but it all comes out through me. So, a composer is kind of like a psychic medium.

The only way the Internet will continue to remain the thriving medium it has become today is to keep it under the control of the United States.

The entertainment medium of film is particularly tuned to the present imaginations of people at large. A lot of fiction is intensely nostalgic.

I took to cinema because I found cinema was the medium for what I wanted to say through 'Shutter;' it was something beyond the scope of a play.

My number-one hero in terms of interdisciplinary art is Laurie Anderson, but I've always admired anyone who can think way beyond any one medium.

When I first started on 'Medium,' they didn't like me growing my hair too long. But I was freaked out when the hairdresser cut off even an inch.

Celebrity has become, for better or worse, an art form. An artist can use themselves as a medium to become a celebrity as a walking work of art.

We must remember that a photograph can hold just as much as we put into it, and no one has ever approached the full possibilities of the medium.

TV needs to be the medium for progress, not degeneration. There needs to be more programming for children. Plays need to become more responsible.

While films are a very visual and emotional artistic medium, video games take it one step further into the realm of a unique personal experience.

Everyone seems to think that digital technology devoids the medium of content, but that is not true at all. If anything, it broadens the content.

I want to expand and conquer every platform, every medium as well as pursue entertainment beyond social media - acting, producing, and directing.

Movies are a commercial medium. We don't make movies to impress our friends and critics. It's an expensive medium. We have to gain money from it.

While I was a student at The Cooper Union, they discouraged too much of a focus on any one medium, and it helped me try new and different things.

The novel is a highly corrupt medium, after all - in the end the vast majority of them simply aren't that great, and are destined to be forgotten.

Texting is a supremely secretive medium of communication - it's like passing a note - and this means we should be very careful what we use it for.

I like tuna when there's a definite streak of deep pink in the middle, medium rare so to speak, and it comes out best when it's not cut too thick.

With the new medium of knowledge - the Internet - knowledge not only takes on properties of that medium but also lives at the level of the network.

Music is a gut thing. You're working in a medium which is more in touch with the primal than the modern. A gig is a ritual. There's a congregation.

I'm very humble in terms of knowing that television is an extraordinary collaborative medium and that one person alone cannot make a great TV show.

My biggest weakness is steak. I have to be careful not to eat too much of it these days - but I do love it done medium rare, with peppercorn sauce.

A largely unregulated Internet has created knowledge and wealth, but it's also long provided a medium for predatory, abusive and bullying behavior.

I'm an artist. And usually when I tell people I'm an artist, they just look at me and say, 'Do you paint?' or 'What kind of medium do you work in?'

Radio, which was a much better medium than television will ever be, was easy and pleasant to listen to. Your mind filled automatically with images.

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