Play is a medium of word and film is a medium of picture.

I seriously consider television to be the people's medium.

Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Television is a medium because anything well done is rare.

Music is the medium. Words merely enhance the composition.

The medium is not the message - the message is the message.

Roast beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy.

I would rather explore the medium of films than television.

Film is a medium where the audience gives you 100 per cent.

Film is a collaborative medium, and I very much enjoy that.

Theatre is an actor's medium while a film is the director's.

I see TV as a picture medium rather than a narrative medium.

I don't think there's any more synesthetic medium than film.

Using gunpowder as a medium became a way to liberate myself.

Film as a medium has a power that sports like wrestling lack.

TV is a medium where I've been an outsider for the most part.

I've written for every medium except poetry, at which I suck.

Film seems to be a medium designed for betrayal and violence.

Tweeting is the go-to medium for the show-off and the shyster.

TV has always been a very strong and powerful medium for women.

I love documentaries. It's actually my favorite medium of film.

I believe journalism or news will migrate to the online medium.

My medium is music, but my goal is to motivate people to dream.

The stage is suspension of disbelief. Film is a literal medium.

I'm more interested in the quality of the work than its medium.

I think of us as journalists; the medium we work in is blogging.

I still draw a lot though. Ballpoint pen is my preferred medium.

Cinema is, of course, the great storytelling medium of modernity.

My use of the medium - photography - is in some ways traditional.

I like the medium boys. Not real perfect, but not too bad, either.

I find films incredibly emotional. That's the power of the medium.

The spirit can assert itself only through the medium of clear form.

As an artist, I do not want to limit my skills to one medium alone.

Working on movies made me realize how fluid the medium of film was.

I just really respond to comics. I find it a really exciting medium.

Films are a director's medium. We're all stemming from the director.

It's always a challenge to adapt a novel for screen, a visual medium.

Music is the only medium by which everyone is connected in the world.

I try never to get too high or too low. You have to keep that medium.

Movies' mistrust of capitalism is almost as old as the medium itself.

Television is the medium that's allowing women's stories to flourish.

I never say I have a preference for one medium as opposed to another.

Radio is the most intimate and socially personal medium in the world.

There exists everywhere a medium in things, determined by equilibrium.

Video games are a huge, incredibly popular, world-transforming medium.

Feature filmmaking is a very powerful medium. It has a hold on me now.

Television has always been an appealing medium for writers to work in.

I am always up for new and different things, regardless of the medium.

I am a medium. In the same way, doctors are mediums to bring treatment.

I'm not for or against video - or any medium or style, for that matter.

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