Good reporting is good reporting, regardless of the newness or oldness of the medium.

What I do believe is theatre is a medium with a peculiar ability to air vital issues.

I am in a visual medium and should be able to compete with every good-looking actress.

You have to play your part as an actor at the end of the day, regardless of the medium.

We all start in this medium because of the magic and the challenge is to keep it going.

Film is just a great medium to express yourself and a great environment to work around.

Long-, medium- and short-grain rices differ in the amount and type of starch they have.

The balance of power shifts on the Internet to the individual. This is a two-way medium.

Always stay in a happy medium in sport, because you never know what's around the corner.

I will continue doing things irrespective of the medium as long as I'm excited about it.

As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit.

We founded thatgamecompany to push the boundary of video games as an interactive medium.

I think the only safe medium are books, because people like to hold books in their hand.

That's the good thing about pop. You can do whatever you like... it's a bendable medium.

I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler.

I'm excited and nervous about every film; once I understand the medium fully, I'll relax.

Where film is infinitely superior to any other medium is emotion and story and character.

He was a very generous soul and was exceptionally dedicated to the medium of photography.

Hollywood is a town; it's not a medium. And cinema is a medium you can practice anywhere.

Movie making is really, it's a director's medium, it's not even so much an actor's medium.

When something is such a creative medium as the web, the limits to it are our imagination.

I finally realized the happy medium, 'honey blonde' was the correct color and line for me.

To me, music is music, and it's not limited by the medium; it just encompasses everything.

I think poetry is a fabulous medium to encapsulate thoughts far more precisely than prose.

TV is the most powerful medium, which has taken me right into the homes of so many people.

I didn't have a very starry school career, I was medium to above average, nothing special.

Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.

While I love the medium, I've always been skeptical about the value of blogs as businesses.

You know, things that might work in a book just do not work in the visual medium of movies.

Swimming has been a very effective medium for telling a story about the state of our planet.

A Web site is the only medium of semipermanent communication where you can express yourself.

Cinema, I always felt, is a very powerful mass medium to translate ideas in an engaging way.

I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information.

It has a sound and rational circulating medium, a real and definite representative of wealth.

Anything that reflects the human condition back on humans in the entertainment medium is art.

I've been in front of a camera since I was a little girl, and that's the medium I understand.

One of the networks sent me a TV set to watch. I didn't care for the medium. It depressed me.

There must be a happy medium somewhere between being totally informed and blissfully unaware.

I also paint and enjoy acrylic medium; some of my close friends have paintings I did for them.

It doesn't matter what medium I perform, I just love to perform in general, if it's good work.

Film is such a powerful medium. It's like a weapon and I think you have a duty to self-censor.

I love writing novels, but there is something deeply invigorating about the comic-book medium.

I see the iPad as a wonderful new drawing medium, but I am at a loss as to how to make it pay.

But I don't think TV will face any threats from web series. Every medium has it's own audience.

Film is not an amazing medium to relay interiority. I think literature is much better for that.

Film is not a woman's medium. If you weren't the hottest kid in town, men stayed away from you.

I am not interested in genres. I am interested in doing the best work I can in whatever medium.

I can play 'Guitar Hero,' most of the songs on Medium and some of the songs on Hard. No Expert.

I think space will be conquered through the mind rather than the clumsy medium of space travel.

I have always aspired to be a writer, be it as an author or a screenwriter, whatever the medium.

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