The world is pretty messed up.

My family's messed up, for real.

I never messed around with gangs.

My back is permanently messed up.

There's something messed up with my brain.

My movies are not messed with by the studios.

I like the human mind and how messed up it is.

I would have absolutely messed up 'The Matrix'.

I never take advice from anyone more messed up than I am.

If I messed up at the Oscars, I wouldn't be invited back.

When I see something messed up, I'm going to challenge it.

Cup stacking on an ESPN highlight? That's pretty messed up.

Vine messed up - they let their top creators leave the app.

Most of the people I know in comedy are not weird or messed up.

Channel 4 know I'm messed up. But they've got a soft spot for me.

At the beginning, it was me, Run and D, but D's voice is messed up.

I'm not one to be messed with. I can be bad when it needs to happen.

We are all people who have messed up. I fall short every single day.

I've messed myself up more playing music than when I played football.

I'm still messed up and have all kinds of problems, just like anybody.

I was bullied in elementary to middle school. It messed with my self esteem.

If I'd been in a school play, I'd probably have sneezed and messed everything up.

It messed with my head a little bit when people started to imitate what I was doing.

I'd rather sit in Jacksonville and do a different kind of work than get messed over.

My name is all I have, so I don't want that to be messed up from a game of football.

Seeing people get messed up never gets un-funny! And there's plenty of ways to do that.

Once I got to high school and hit my growth spurt, nobody really messed with me anymore.

I was the punk outsider who nobody messed with. I was fearless. At 16, I graduated and moved out.

I stopped using make up wipes, and it made my skin so much better. They messed up my skin big time.

People get messed up because they have a million guys they have to take care of. I don't have that.

It's a misconception that all singers need to portray a messed up, dirty look to prove their identity.

I was a college coach, and I messed up. And I found a way to deal with the consequences and be better.

I wanted to write about my mother as she should have been if she had not been messed up by World War I.

Music is liquid. It's meant to be messed with and played with and stretched and pulled and pushed, I think.

I messed around in high school, but I pretty much put it away until I did a television show in San Francisco.

My dad was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in February 2012, and finding that out really messed me up.

The mentality always in reggaeton was, 'I'm the man.' I made that cool to say, 'I messed up. I'm not the best.'

When I lost my brother, it kind of messed me up because in my city, I know everybody. I kind of felt untouchable.

Everything in Delhi is messed up. People are forced to buy bottled water as clean drinking water is not available.

I think I like playing the bad girl. I like complicated. I like flawed, messed up complicated. It's more interesting.

I'm very hard on myself. I'm the first person that'll say, 'Yeah I messed up.' And then I'll try to go out and fix it.

You can get totally messed up trying to please everyone with what you do, but ultimately, you have to please yourself.

The only time I had an ego is I when wanted to have a reverse Undertaker record at WrestleMania, and they messed it up!

That's why I like the Steinberger guitars. They're easy to travel with... and they don't get messed up by the airlines.

When I was born, they put casts on my legs 'cause I had some kind of dysplasia or something. My legs were all messed up.

I messed around with the guitar from the age of about eight, but when I hit 13, it was the only thing I wanted from life.

That messed me up, growing up in the public eye when I was a teenager. That's when everyone is trying to find themselves.

I don't know why actors are just attracted to really messed up people, but it almost makes it more fun, in a perverse way.

My mother never gave up one me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.

My video game character is a bit better looking than me, actually. I don't think he has to worry about his hair getting messed up.

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