Hatred and anger are powerless when met with kindness.

I never met a man who thought his thinking was faulty.

I met the oddest little fellow today, Alan of Trebond.

I met Steve Jobs once. In '06? He had a sense of humor.

For 'Seabiscuit,' I interviewed 100 people I never met.

When I met Christ, I felt that I had swallowed sunshine.

Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you.

I've for some reason or other... never met Donald Trump.

I love to flirt, and I've never met a man I didn't like.

I thought I'd be a librarian until I met some crazy ones.

I've never met an American who wanted to build an empire.

Have you met the French? My...GOD they know how to party!

I never met a person from whom I did not learn something.

I've hung out and dated people I've never even met before.

There are situations which cannot honorably be met by art.

My writing has always been met with derision or dismissal.

I never met a person who loved everybody I didn't dislike.

I think the most famous person I've ever met is Brad Pitt.

I've not been right for any man or myself since I met you.

We look for good on earth and cannot recognize it when met.

If I had never met him I would have dreamed him into being.

Cary Grant was one of the most marvelous men I've ever met.

I'm the only person you've ever met who has read Longfellow.

I didn’t have a clue what love was about until I met Sharon.

Those Beliebers who haven't met me yet are the special ones.

The great people I've met always have time for the niceties.

Growth and change were viewed as reactions to conditions met

Pete Rose is the most likable arrogant person I've ever met.

The Bulls talked to just about every person who ever met me.

I never met a hopeful Christian who didn't read their Bible.

Walking along the crowded row He met the one he used to know.

The only thing worse than a Mets game is a Mets doubleheader.

I think my mum has the foulest mouth of anyone I've ever met.

It is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends.

Selena Gomez. She’s a sweetheart, I met her a couple of times.

I'd never met anyone so vibrant or alive. He moved like light.

Benedict is bumbly, sweet, affable; the nicest man you've met.

Men are all alike - except the one you've met who's different.

I have been accused of sleeping with people, I hadn't met yet.

I didn't know my father very well; I only met him a few times.

I am so glad we met at an undisclosed location over the summer.

Sarah Palin met the wombshifter! Old Sarah and the wombshifter.

Mike Tyson was one of the most terrific athletes I've ever met.

If I have the TV on, it's either a Mets game or 'SportsCenter.'

Pushing any truth out very far, you are met by a counter-truth.

Someone you haven't met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.

I met with people who are already very angry with the tribunal.

I didn't know who Langston Hughes was till he met me backstage.

If I hadn't met you, I'd certainly have fallen in love with him.

I met Steve McQueen once. Well, met isn't really the right word.

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