You can't meet Jesus and not change. If you haven't changed, you haven't met the real Jesus.

I have never met a man more shy than Clark Gable. He was so shy, you couldn't make him talk.

I will take a draft to the Yankees or to the Mets. A draft for president is not conceivable.

I met Quincy [Jones], he had heard my album, someone played the album and he flipped over it.

Life would have been easier for me if I just hadn't met you. But then it hadn't been my life.

I have met a few Casanovas I like and a few I have not liked - and I hope to meet a few more.

You make us look bad', complained Toad. 'You looked bad before I ever met you', Jon told him.

It wasn't until I'd met everyone else's measure of success that I realized I'd failed myself.

I met P. Diddy. Or Diddy. I like to call him Puffy because, let's be honest, that's who he is.

There is no such thing as a happy ending. I never met a single one to equal "Once upon a time.

Most of us aren't very graceful about not having our needs met, when and how we want them met.

We are the sum of all people we have ever met; you change the tribe and the tribe changes you.

ever since I met you I have admired you more than any girl...I have ever met since...I met you.

I've never met anyone who's left a comment on anything. It's just demons who live in basements.

The best scientists that I've met are those that are humanists and scientists at the same time.

Some of the craziest people Ive met, in my life, are some of the most brilliant people Ive met.

By the time I was a teenager, there wasn't a show I hadn't inhaled or a character I hadn't met.

Joan Crawford is a movie queen. I had never met one before. I know now what I don't want to be.

I also met, early on Ella Fitzgerald. Her songbooks are some of the most amazing bodies of work.

I've never met anybody who was helped by being told how wretched, miserable and sinful they are.

Some of the most gifted people I've ever met or read about are homosexual. How can you knock it?

With everybody that I've met, there's always been something I've learned about them that I like.

I can endure more pain then anyone you've met. That's why I win, because I can endure more pain.

I only met Joan Rivers once. But when she passed away, it felt like a part of me went away, too.

I never met Mahatma Gandhi, but, I think everyone felt they knew him even if they hadn't met him.

I have never met a dog I couldn't help; however, I have met humans who weren't willing to change.

The saddest people I've met in my life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all .

If a person claims to have met Jesus without being changed then they have not met the real Jesus.

Almost every Marine I've met says I portray a Marine dead-on, which is really, really flattering.

Soon after Marilyn died, I met Bobby Kennedy and he looked at me as if to say: 'I am your enemy'.

No one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with.

Most people are so hard to please that if they met God, they'd probably say yes, she's great, but.

Mr. Rihani, we met once a thousand years ago and we may not meet again for another thousand years.

I must confess that I know nothing whatsoever about true underlying reality, never having met any.

I got to meet some of the best people I've ever met, and we all grew as people and as entertainers.

Whenever I met anyone who knew anything, I would bore them stiff until they told me what they knew.

Van Ritzen is one of the funniest humans I've ever met. Read her book, laugh, lather, rinse, repeat.

The most wonderful person I met was John Travolta. He's one of the ultimate movie stars of all time.

And I met Paul Simms while I was making 'It's Pat', and he later wound up casting me in 'NewsRadio'.

Oftentimes you walk on set and then suddenly you're in bed with someone who you've never met before.

I won't be managing the Mets. I am closing the door on managing the Mets and probably everybody else.

When we live our lives everyday, we're met by opportunities, and most of us don't even recognize them.

Once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met, the rest that one owns belongs to the poor.

How would you ever learn unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all the conditions?

Category after category, Barack Obama hasn't met the promises that he laid out to the American people.

I have met many feminists who were not Lesbians but I have never met a Lesbian who was not a feminist.

I only had a telephone conversation with [Donald Trump], whereas [Shinzō ] Abe met with him in person.

I met some people in college and I kept cracking away until someone pointed me in the right direction.

I have no interest in anyone who wants to criticise me, or doesn't like me despite never having met me.

If Shakespeare required a word and had not met it in civilized discourse, he unhesitatingly made it up.

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