God has arrived. I met him on the 5:15 train.

I've never met anybody in this world like me.

Their eyes met. It had begun. They had begun.

I've never met a leopard print I didn't like.

Strangers are just friends I haven't met yet.

I'm so lucky. I've met a lot of famous people.

I am glad I met you and I am glad to say that.

Every person I've met has influenced my songs.

I am the least jealous person I have ever met.

I never met a man who wasn't stupider than me.

Think of strangers as friends you not met yet.

A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet.

I met Claxton on the set of The Cincinnati Kid.

I'd like to thank everyone I've met in my life.

Humanity is to be met with in a den of robbers.

God is living in New York, and he's a Mets fan.

I have met almost everyone I've wanted to meet.

I wish I had met you first. Before we met them.

I'm one of the most joyous people I've ever met.

For one moment our lives met, our souls touched.

Im so ahead of my time my parents havent met yet

I'd met Sharon Tate at the Cannes Film Festival.

But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you.

The first one I actually met was George Harrison.

Billie Holiday I never met, but I love her music.

Ive never met a general yet who could milk a cow.

I have never met one person who likes Grand Funk.

Whoever said blondes have more fun hasn't met me.

There are so many people I wish I could have met.

The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama.

You are actually the worst person I have ever met.

I've met people who were destroyed by Donald Trump.

Everyone that ever met me has been in love with me.

We are all a part of every person we have ever met.

I met my wife, Doreen, who was a dancer in the show.

I've never met a person I've couldn't call a beauty.

Here Lies Julius Schwartz. He met his last deadline.

I wasn't disappointed. My expectations had been met.

I have never met a grateful performer in the movies.

I've met Nicole Kidman, Elton John, loads of people.

I never met a Jesuit before I applied for the order.

I hadn’t wanted to have a kid until I met my partner.

Where, except in the present, can the eternal be met?

Mindfulness has never met a cognition it didn't like.

The happening that happened was that I met this girl.

You don't know a woman until you've met her in court.

Look, do I like the Mets and the Yankees? Absolutely.

I considered becoming a Christian... until I met one.

My life story is the story of everyone I've ever met.

[Vincent Price] was the funniest damn guy I ever met.

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