Have you ever met a war you didn't love? I’m asking, is there any place you don’t want to intervene in?

There are doubtless certain unworldly people who are indifferent to money. I myself have never met one.

I don't get recognized much, and am very happy with that. The fans I have met have all been delightful.

I know so many people that I wouldn't have ever met had I not have been travelling since I was fourteen.

I have never met anyone who wasn't against war. Even Hitler and Mussolini were, according to themselves.

I have yet to met a liberal who can withstand the attrition of prolonged discussion of the unessentials.

For hours, for days, for years, she had wandered endlessly within herself but never met anybody, nobody.

I didn't really [seriously] go out with any guys until I was 18 and met my ex-fiancé, Michael Weatherly.

Hockey has given me everything, most importantly it brought me to Swift Current, where I met my wife Deb.

I do not like strangers because I do not like people I have never met before. They are hard to understand.

I don't think that there is a person that I've met - I'm sure there are - that I've had any conflict with.

It wasn't that I ever knew I'd be at the Met for 20 years, or 30 years, or 40 years, or anything like that

Jesse Jackson, when I met him, he had an innocence about him which is still very much a part of him today.

Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back.

I think doing a female Elf in the Woodland realm was a bit safer, because we haven't met one of those yet.

For seven years, I was in this fishbowl with this intensity, with all the stuff that went on with the Mets.

And they that rule in England, in stately conclaves met, alas, alas for England they have no graves as yet.

If I heard there was a new show, and the creators were writing about how they met, I would be like, "Pass!"

I met Milos in 1967. I was working on a student film. And there is Milos Forman. So that's how I met Milos.

Why were you so old when we met? I answered with the truth: Age isn't how old you are but how old you feel.

Avery, I haven’t messed around with Steph since I met you. I have messed around with anyone since I met you.

If you get murdered because you go on a date with someone you met on the Internet, you probably deserved it.

In the 1970s, I identified as a lesbian and wrote about it. In 1991, I met the love of my life, married him.

I have met a thousand scamps; but I never met one who considered himself so. Self-knowledge isn't so common.

And about that," he continued. "Now that Kami and I have met, she likes me better than you. So you can leave.

We have met and hated, fought and died before - you and I. Kepta to Garin People of the Crater. Andre Norton.

have you ever met a woman you wanted to give everything to? just turn over everything you had? -Davy Dempsey-

I have met with women whom I really think would like to be married to a Poem and to be given away by a Novel.

I met The Beatles and Stones at the same time, because Michael Cooper was doing several of their album covers.

Those who never philosophized until they met with disappointments, have mostly become disappointed philosophers

He tried to remember how this happened – how she went from someone he’d never met to the only one who mattered.

Usually you read a script and you know somebody who knows somebody who maybe knew that person or met them once.

I met Paul in 1967, Ringo in 1985, and I saw George Harrison in a nightclub somewhere in L. A. I never met John.

You're the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too & we decided we'd know each other a long time.

Now that I've met you and spoken to you and felt you and tasted you, I'm done. That's it. You're the end for me.

I can only admire people who I have never met and are dead - because you know so much about anyone who is alive.

If you've never met a Navy SEAL and you ran into one at a bar, you probably still wouldn't know he's a Navy SEAL.

I married somebody who is very secure. He's been in my corner from the time we met, and we grew in this together.

Cher is one of the most talented women I've ever met. She's got depth and emotion that haven't even been touched.

I wanted to be in Jim Carrey comedy movies before I met him. I wanted to be a comedian on Stage 19, yukking it up.

When you're born, you're pure. Unspoiled and trusting. I believed everything and everyone. Then, I met my parents!

why do you condemn a man whom you have never met, whom no one knows and about whom even you yourself know nothing?

I've never met Hans Rosling, but I just knew him through his many YouTube videos, and they were absolute dynamite.

Get your personal needs met, once and for all; if you have unmet needs, you'll attract others in the same position.

The best entrepreneurs I've ever met are all good communicators. It's perhaps one of the very few unifying factors.

Her eyes met his, but she looked quickly away; entangling gazes with Will was confusing at best, dizzying at worst.

In every aspect of the religious life, American faith has met American culture--and American culture has triumphed.

Just one more word. If I ever run into any of you bums on the street corner, just let's pretend we never met before.

"You are the noblest, purest creature I've ever met. The universe will be a darker place without you," he whispered.

Galen Clark was the best mountaineer I ever met, and one of the kindest and most amiable of all my mountain friends.

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