There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.

I was still 15 when I met John Lennon at a village fete in Woolton, in Liverpool.

When a leader reaches out in passion, he is usually met with an answering passion.

I was nearly a teen-ager before I stopped assuming that everyone I met was Jewish.

The only person that I have met, that I have ever been in awe of, is Eddie Vedder.

I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.

Now I want to work with Octavia Spencer, because I met her and she's really funny.

Cincinnati is perfect for me. I've met a lot of good people there who like to fish.

Until she met the exploding statue, Annabeth thought she was prepared for anything.

I am a Yankees fan. I should say - have been to more Yankees games than Mets games.

I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people.

Warming up for the Brewers is that lefthander they got from the Mets, Bill Pulitzer.

My life was lucky so that I met, I loved (and disappointed) only outstanding people.

I’ve met guys all the time that I’m like, Damn, that’s a good-looking guy, you know?

I don't know if I believe in God, but I know I believe in the devil. I have met him.

I once met a beautiful, proper English girl. I bid her adieu.... she bid me a don't.

I don't think I have ever met a single person who isn't moved by music of some kind.

The Visalus Founders are the finest and sharpest young leaders that I have ever met.

Nearly everyone I met, worked with, or read about was my teacher, one way or another.

When I wasn't sure what the word "charisma" meant, I met Steve Jobs, and then I knew.

To paraphrase the great Will Rogers, El Rusho never met a pharmacist he did not like.

Would you truly sleep with strangers?" "I don't know, I haven't met the strangers yet.

Each of us bears the imprint of a friend met along the way; In each the trace of each.

Violence can only be effectively met by nonviolence. This is an old established truth.

To be awake is to be completely alive. I have never yet met a man who was quite awake.

I met the Santana band when I was 14. By the time I was 15, I was a member of the band.

My wife is amazing. She had to know she was getting into a heap of trouble when we met.

T.J. Miller and Kumail Nanjiani I met when I was in Chicago, learning how to do comedy.

I never met another man I'd rather be. And even if that's a delusion, it's a lucky one.

You never know if you have met your best friend in life yet. That still may be to come.

I think some of the scariest people I've met in my life have been some of the sweetest.

Met shawty up in Urban Outfitters, she killin' these hoes now I'm murking out with her.

[When Harry Met Sally] was fine, but it was a job. And I did it right after The 'Burbs.

I met Mos Def around that time but I didn't hook up with him until I was about 17 or 18.

When I do a character, I try to base it on someone I have met or an experience I've had.

I should become happier at what I do and leave others happier than before they’d met me.

Until we stand in a place where we have met God, we have no authority to change a Nation

Angelina Jolie is my favorite. I've never met her before, but I just know she's amazing.

Without a doubt, Ozzy is the craziest person I've ever met. Son of Sam is a close second.

Michael Jackson was the most astonishing person I've ever met on the face of this planet.

Ah! Justice of our God! Who else could stow Such travails new and pains as met my glance!

If I ever met Dolly Parton for sure, I would just not be able to say anything. I love her.

Donald Rumsfeld is the most ruthless man I have ever met? and I mean that as a compliment.

You are an atrocious person! Since the day I met you I have become steadily more depraved.

I Never Met A Kentuckian Who Wasn't Either Thinking About Going Home Or Actually Going Home

And I loved Frank Lloyd Wright. I think he was the greatest man I have ever met in my life.

When met with a problem I always ask myself what is the right thing to do and then I do it.

The most fascinating person I have met so far is indeed Mr. Hugh Hefner. An incredible man!

For Beatrice, when we first met, I was lonely, and you were pretty. Now I am pretty lonely.

I've never once met a successful blogger who questioned the personal value of what she did.

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