I am a tough minister.

I want to become prime minister.

I am going to be prime minister.

My dad was a Methodist minister.

No, I've never truly been a minister.

My childhood dream was to be prime minister.

I don't have any ambition to become minister.

I have never been bribed as a Prime Minister.

You see, I was the son of a baptist minister.

I don't do my job as minister based on polls.

I will be the defence minister round-the-clock.

I serve at the discretion of the prime minister.

Modi is a disgrace to the prime minister's post.

I will do exactly as the Prime Minister asks me.

I'm a minister, I preach forgiveness all the time.

I am a minister and I preach forgiveness all time.

I am not a terrorist, I am a former chief minister.

KCR is not a Chief Minister, he is a cheap minister.

Yeah, well I'm not aspiring to be the Prime Minister.

I'd rather rule the world now than be prime minister.

It requires guts to leave the chair of chief minister.

I expect every prime minister to have his own imprint.

My father was a minister, so I was raised in the church.

If the church doesn't minister to sinners, then who will?

We do not need answers or formulas to minister in crisis.

I have poor people skills, and I cannot become a minister.

I have become the chief minister not with a selfish motive.

My father was a minister, and my mother was a music teacher.

I've been a minister and I know how cautious you have to be.

My father was a minister, so I was a P.K., a preacher's kid.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi worked to make the country safe.

Jayalalitha has turned out to be a failure as chief minister.

The prime minister's office is not something that one enjoys.

The real minister's name that we honor is Jesus, not Schuller.

It is a high honour to be elected Prime Minister of Australia.

I think I would rather be a prime minister than a taxi driver.

I am called repeatedly and insidiously prime and sole minister.

No minister ever stood, or could stand, against public opinion.

I've noticed that every public health minister has been a woman.

Definitely, a non-tribal can become chief minister in Jharkhand.

My father was the prime minister and we had Tamil Nadu's support.

A prime minister must not promise things that can't be fulfilled.

I came in to make a difference, to be a minister, to make policy.

If Advaniji did not want, I would never have been Prime Minister.

Transparency is the hallmark of Prime Minister Modi's government.

My priority is my economy minister mandate and to create momentum.

I was very happy being education minister and deputy to John Cain.

I was a Presbyterian minister at a small church in Omaha, Nebraska.

I believe Prime Minister Blair is a friend, and a friend of Israel.

My father was a minister and so rock music was banned in our house.

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