The moment a book is lent I begin to miss it.

Shoot for the moon. If you miss, shoot again.

God isn't dead - he's just missing in action.

Irony ... may be defined as what people miss.

I miss my wife's cooking - as often as I can.

Where there is too much, something is missing.

Them as ha' never had a cushion don't miss it.

If you keep missing, get closer to the basket.

Just play every hand, you can't miss them all.

Strike with the soul, and you will never miss.

I mope around less. It is horrible. I miss it.

My family is the thing I miss most on the tour.

Don't miss out on today by living in yesterday.

Our happiness is made up of the things we miss.

How can I ever miss you when you never go away?

... people miss a great deal by being sensible.

I really miss the rehearsal process of theater.

To follow the crowd Is to miss The destination.

I'm Little Miss Sunshine, I sprinkle it around.

There was always something missing in Montreal.

Yoga is the state where you are missing nothing.

Perhaps I'm missing the gene for making enemies.

I feel like an old lady; my hero is Miss Marple.

How can you miss someone who’s right beside you?

Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you.

Okay I'll be honest girl I can't lie I miss you.

Damn referees, I'll miss them less than anybody.

He's a player you only miss when he's not playing

I really miss being able to blend in with people.

Get Christ and get all; miss Christ and miss all.

You do not know what you can miss before you try.

I think there is a part of life that I'm missing.

I want my friend to miss me as long as I miss him.

In heaven, all the interesting people are missing.

Choosing a path means having to miss out on others

We miss 100 percent of the sales we don’t ask for.

I'm always interested in something that's missing.

The sprint is like life ... blink and you miss it.

Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passin'.

A point, like a joke, is a terrible thing to miss.

Tragedy is not what men suffer but what they miss.

One thing you can't miss in your suitcase is a hat.

Actually, what I miss are people corpsing on stage.

I can't miss a night's work and let my public down.

Your village just called. They're missing an idiot.

I'm not going to miss wearing the braces very much.

You don't miss your water 'Till your well runs dry.

There is always something missing that torments me.

I'm not going to miss 95% of life to weigh 5% less.

You'll never miss the water 'til the well runs dry.

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