Either all lights are turned off or one inner light is missing.

I miss working with great actors, working with great directors.

I am an Australian citizen, and I miss my country a great deal.

If Daryl stopped touring it would be a big part of him missing.

I miss Irish milk. Probably not as much as Superquinn sausages.

I don't like to sleep. I'm missing something when I'm sleeping.

If you were Jesus with missing years to kill where would you go?

You can't recover memories of a missing event. That's a fallacy.

"Miss you," he said. It was the barest murmur, scarcely a sound.

I will no longer be referred to as Miss Steinem of Ms. magazine.

Here it is - right now. Start thinking about it and you miss it.

I miss my brother. Prince was a funny cat. Great sence of humor.

Either I've been missing something or nothing has been going on.

This is the greatest momemt of your life and your out missing it

We have nothing to fear but missing our massage appointment time

I'm going to miss everybody but unfortunately... it's time to go

I miss you already I don’t need to leave. I can stay. . . . Mmmm.

If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one.

That's been my sort of aim in life, to never miss an opportunity.

FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time.

I'm very resilient. The only thing I'm missing right now are abs.

Dancing is like breathing-missing a day doing either is very bad.

We are all called to be great saints, don't miss the opportunity.

Miss Searle had always considered boredom an intellectual defeat.

We do not posses imagination enough to sense what we are missing.

A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty.

When you're fighting with a stunt person, your intent is to miss.

If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

I'm missing a knuckle, it's crushed inside my hand at the moment.

Sometimes I miss the spirit of London, but it's a very gray place.

The crashes people remember, but drivers remember the near misses.

We'll have all the same players... We'll be missing one, actually.

I didn't miss the putt. I made the putt. The ball missed the hole.

Did you ever feel that you were missing someone you had never met?

Captain, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing.

You hate missing games. You hate leaving your teammates out there.

My first name ain't baby, it's Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty

Also, I would cry at the words 'I miss you' after I left my family

If you wait for things to be perfect you'll just miss out on life.

For missing a 10 minute swim - I think it was out of order really.

Because of the booking I will miss the Holland game - if selected.

Did we miss out on a lot of targets? No. Was it disappointing? No.

Covenant community is like air. We don't miss it until we need it.

As wonderful as dogs can be, they are famous for missing the point.

Playing 'bop' is like playing Scrabble with all the vowels missing.

If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably YOU.

I'd like to come back because I really miss doing situation comedy.

Hairbreadth missings of happiness look like the insults of Fortune.

To miss out on joy is to miss out on the reason for your existence.

The thing I miss about Air Force One is they don't lose my luggage.

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