Don’t blow your own horn, or you might just miss the music.

I really miss Gunsmoke. It was like losing my whole family.

If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home.

The man I adored, and miss him terribly, was Johnny Carson.

I'm definitely going to miss hearing the sound of that gun.

There is always something to miss, no matter where you are.

I really miss my family and my kids when I'm away from home.

He's sharp, he can score and he doesn't worry about missing.

life passes by in a wink so try to never miss a moment of it

What it missing, I think, is this notion of the common good.

My husband said it was him or the cat. I miss him sometimes.

I think I finally fell in love with NY.. I miss it already !

I miss my family, and I like being a tourist when I go back.

When judging others it's the intangibles that we often miss.

I say good-bye to the part of myself that misses him so much.

Sometimes it's good to miss a bus. It might be the wrong bus.

I bring up God alot in my show, know why? Because I miss him.

I miss everything about Chicago, except January and February.

Telling some stories, Miss Leroy says, is committing suicide.

I miss it every minute, and I have no wish at all to go back.

If rock & roll is dead and gone, man, I am missing out on it.

I look at myself but I'm missing. I know myself: it’s not me.

Finding ballet was like finding this missing piece of myself.

Don't ever miss a day without improving something personally.

I'm always consciously trying to make what I feel is missing.

When it comes to influence, TRUST is often the missing piece.

I kind of miss Donald Trump. He was a little teddy bear to me.

You make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing.

I never liked sleeping; I always think I am missing something.

I don't miss EastEnders. I did a two-stretch. That was enough.

I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance.

What? Okay, back up. How in the hell do you 'turn up missing'?

In the role of Miss Munim, I had credibility as an individual.

Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Don't be so obsessed with stardom that you miss out on success

Maybe if I prayed to Miss Marple, she’d hook me up with a clue

Meditation can reintroduce you to the part that's been missing.

I miss the 80's as well, it was a truly great decade for music.

I hate the idea of any kid missing out on the magic of reading.

I consider sex a misdemeanor, the more I miss, de meaner I get.

If I had nine of my fingers missing I wouldn't type any slower.

I don't miss my pin-up days. I'm far too old for that malarkey.

Watching TV mum said," Do you miss your dad?" And I said," Who?

Maybe it's just getting older, but I don't want to miss things.

I don't miss teaching. I'm learning to take my time for myself.

Don't you miss the days when America was just morally bankrupt?

If you look for a meaning, you'll miss everything that happens.

Lentils are friendly - the Miss Congeniality of the bean world.

Being punished doesn't mean you should miss out on being loved.

Time is the missing ingredient in our recipes-and in our lives.

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