Mistakes are often the best teachers.

Make glorious and fantastic mistakes.

There is no learning without mistakes

You made one mistake. You married me.

When I make a mistake, it's a beauty!

We're kind of defined by our mistakes

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

We can afford almost any mistake once.

Mistakes will be made, make no mistake

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

America is a mistake, a giant mistake.

Mistakes are the doorway to discovery.

It is never a mistake to say good-bye.

You can't avoid mistakes and bad luck.

Saath Saath' was my first big mistake!

Mistakes can occur during hostilities.

Mistakes are nothing to be ashamed of.

I like things that look like mistakes.

I've made mistakes in my life for sure.

Bute coming over here is a big mistake.

one who makes no mistakes makes nothing

A game is always won through a mistake.

Your best teacher is your last mistake.

Mistakes were made. Others were blamed.

Don't mistake movement for achievement.

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Do not mistake a child for his symptom.

Part of being young is making mistakes.

Never mistake activity for achievement.

When we make mistakes they call it evil

I don't want to make the wrong mistake.

Impact lies in the vicinity of mistakes.

I'm finding my way, and I make mistakes.

You've committed no sins, just mistakes.

Some part of a mistake is always correct

Mistakes are merely steps up the ladder.

Don't 'tolerate' mistakes. Embrace them!

Live all you can; it's a mistake not to.

The same mistakes can never be repeated.

Human life must be some form of mistake.

In improvisation, there are no mistakes.

don’t mistake a new place for a new you.

Almost all exploits are simple mistakes.

Making a mistake is also an achievement.

A second-class is a first-class mistake.

Don't mistake activity with achievement.

They [people] mistake fashion for style.

One must not mistake majority for truth.

Regard mistakes as teachers, not judges!

I'm moved by us, our quirks and mistakes.

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