Danny Tiatto is not going to make a mistake on purpose.

To forget all about your mistakes adds to them perhaps.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

The path to wisdom is not being afraid to make mistakes.

Don't make the kinds of mistakes that will bring regret.

I made a big mistake. It is indefensible and I am sorry.

A mistake isn't a mistake if you learn a lesson from it.

We'll just have to try to make better mistakes tomorrow.

If you make a mistake, it doesn't mean you're a mistake.

It's not the mistakes I made but how I responded to them

A winner makes mistakes. A loser blames others for them.

Mistakes, mistakes, it's all I seem capable of at times.

The first mistake of art is to assume that it's serious.

Mistakes - mistakes - you yourself are a unique mistake!

Mistakes you can learn from; sins stay with you forever.

I know the mistake I am making. I see the exits in life.

If you make a mistake, then you should own that mistake.

The more time you have, the more mistakes you will make.

Forgive your enemy, but do not mistake him for a friend.

Making mistakes is a lot better than not doing anything.

When you imagine mistakes, there can be no self-defense.

Yeah, I've made some mistakes. Every guy makes mistakes.

I realize I'm not a machine. I'm going to make mistakes.

We need to forget about mistakes and take the positives.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

The greatest mistake a person can make is doing nothing.

Babe Ruth made a great mistake when he gave up pitching.

Delegate completely. Let people make mistakes and learn.

We'll do all right if we can capitalize on our mistakes.

I don't like audiences, I prefer my mistakes in private.

I'm a mother of three children, and we do make mistakes.

People appreciate that I'm not scared to make a mistake.

It was probably a mistake to allow gold to rise so high.

Destiny made a mistake and gave my fate to someone else.

The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes.

The only mistake I ever made was not listening to my gut.

One quarter of what you buy will turn out to be mistakes.

Make no mistake: peaceful madmen are ahead of the future.

One mistake does not have to rule a person's entire life.

Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.

Make no mistake: Obamacare is a pro-death health program.

Your greatest mistakes will happen because of impatience.

I do. You know, I made a mistake using a private e- mail.

I've made every mistake - but mistakes are how you learn.

The winner is the one who makes the next-to-last mistake.

A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once.

I may be a mistake maker, but I'm also a mistake breaker.

Writing without making mistakes is like vomiting hot air.

I think it is a mistake to judge science by Nobel Prizes.

Experience is merely the name men gave to their mistakes.

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