Reasoning at every step he treads, Man yet mistakes his way, Whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, Are rarely known to stray.

How does a nice Catholic girl end up going to prison for a year? It's crazy. I've made mistakes. I have to pay for those mistakes.

I think someone should explain to the child that it's OK to make mistakes. That's how we learn. When we compete, we make mistakes.

When I'm done with a book, I always give it to someone with expertise in the topic and tell them to flag all of my stupid mistakes.

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.

I think a show is for fun, and the thing about playing live is that you make mistakes, and that's what's sort of exciting about it.

I've fallen on my face. I've made mistakes. I've got plenty of records where I listen back, and I think, 'I wouldn't've done that.'

I don't think you can come into your wisdom until you have made mistakes on your own skin and felt them in reality of your own life.

There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history. It is simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations.

You need pencil miles to be a great artist, animator, or filmmaker, and the sooner you start making mistakes, the quicker you learn.

Democracy opens new vistas and opportunities. We should use the opportunities it offers to correct past mistakes not to blunder anew.

Being human means you will make mistakes. And you will make mistakes, because failure is God's way of moving you in another direction.

All my big mistakes are when I try to second-guess or please an audience. My work is always stronger when I get very selfish about it.

Mistakes can be corrected by those who pay attention to facts but dogmatism will not be corrected by those who are wedded to a vision.

Basically, I've always raised my kids that people learn from their mistakes, and every father wants their kids to be better than them.

Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes.

The only thing I regret about my past is the length of it. If I had to live my life again I'd make all the same mistakes - only sooner.

They who gain applause and power by pandering to the mistakes, the prejudices and passions of the multitude are the enemies of liberty.

Everything in life is a lesson and I have learned from each marriage. Yes, I've made mistakes but every experience is a learning curve.

The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it's considered to be your style.

Disasters are usually a good time to re-examine what we've done so far, what mistakes we've made, and what improvements should come next.

There are a lot of benefits to having a team of young people, but there are many benefits to having people who've made a lot of mistakes.

As a wicketkeeper, and as a youngster, if I don't learn, it will be very difficult. Always important to keep learning from your mistakes.

Federal law should hold organizations like the League of Women Voters harmless if they make good-faith mistakes while registering people.

It's not important how many mistakes you make; it's about how many chances you create and how many goals you score. That is my philosophy.

In any war, mistakes happen on the ground; this is not the policy of the government. We are a government that functions according to laws.

I make mistakes like anybody else, I will make mistakes. And you have to reflect on it, and you have to listen to people. That is the key.

I want to solidify as an artist and show that as I grow as a person and make mistakes and learn from them, I'm going to grow artistically.

My best advice for writers is: Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly - all these make for great stories.

Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.

I don't obsess over mistakes, because they do happen, so I just keep working and training hard. I just keep helping the team, which is key.

Also, I plan to screw something up on every movie I do so that I can learn from my mistakes and become a better director with each project.

People who try to tackle failure attract failure. The more you indulge in analysis, it gets tougher. So just keep making mistakes and learn.

You have to be OK with your own fears. If you're an honest person, you'll make mistakes, but that's when the most interesting things happen.

I don't have the feelings of self-worth that a woman should have... and that's been the center of a lot of my mistakes and a lot of my pain.

I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes.

I think a badly crafted, great idea for a new film with a ton of spelling mistakes is just 100 times better than a well-crafted stale script.

The mistakes of the fool are known to the world, but not to himself. The mistakes of the wise man are known to himself, but not to the world.

Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes.

Trial and error does not work in real estate. It's way too expensive to learn from your own mistakes, you need to learn from others' mistakes.

I've made mistakes before of doing different projects just based on my dreams, my hopes, my thing, and not really thinking about my customers.

All of us make mistakes. The key is to acknowledge them, learn, and move on. The real sin is ignoring mistakes, or worse, seeking to hide them.

When I was new, I didn't know where my career will go. Initially, my films were not even successful, but then I learned a lot from my mistakes.

Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.

If you cast the picture correctly, you have a whole lot of leeway. You can make mistakes in other aspects but pull it off with the right actors.

I did many stupid things. I made many mistakes, but I learnt from everything. I still make mistakes; I still learn from them. Nobody is perfect.

Intelligent or not, we all make mistakes and perhaps the intelligent mistakes are the worst, because so much careful thought has gone into them.

You'd be surprised how many stupid mistakes I've made. I make stupid mistakes all the time, and some of them have been very big stupid mistakes.

All I ever wanted to do was to make food accessible to everyone; to show that you can make mistakes - I do all the time - but it doesn't matter.

People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.

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