The spirit, Sir, is one of mockery.

and the stars were icicles of mockery

Mockery be damned, my urine looked delicious.

Isn't it the sweetest mockery to mock our enemies?

Marilyn Manson is a mockery of American pop culture.

It would be mockery to call such dreariness heaven at all.

Laughing in the cultural industry is mockery of happiness.

Bastard Freedom waves Her fustian flag in mockery over slaves.

The Celebrity Charity Industrial Complex Makes a Mockery of Compassion

what cannot be saved when fate takes, patience her injury a mockery makes

The mockery of friends is affectionate, and inoculates against foolishness.

Incurable wounds are those inflicted by tongue and eye, by mockery and disdain.

If one is not a living mockery of one's own ideals, one has set one's ideals too low.

You are a living mockery of your own ideals. If not, you have set your ideals too low.

The worst mockery God can make of a moralist is that He compels him to be a solipsist.

I will put up with any mockery rather than pretend that I am satisfied when I am hungry.

The swelling epidemic of human trafficking makes a mockery of the law and its protections.

Nastiness and mockery and meanness sometimes seem as if they're spreading like a contagion.

Saying We will destroy terrorism is about as meaningful as saying: We shall annihilate mockery.

That spirit of mockery characteristic of the guaracha was part of the mambo from the beginning.

Study with desire is real activity; without desire it is but the semblance and mockery of activity.

The pain is bad magicians ripping off good ones, doing magic badly, and making a mockery of the art.

If we do not do something to help these creatures, we make a mockery of the whole concept of justice.

You label somebody 'New Age,' and that's automatic mockery: 'She cannot possibly be a serious thinker.'

I'd like to say that parody is a celebration of a person's specific characteristics, as opposed to mockery.

'Mary Poppins,' the movie, was an object of mockery if you were a student in the '60s, something to be laughed at.

Gentle mockery or sharp satire aimed at Christians and their leaders have been replaced by abuse of Christianity itself.

Right from school, I got mockery for the way I look. I took it to heart early on. I admit there were times when I doubted myself.

The world is a perpetual caricature of itself; at every moment it is the mockery and the contradiction of what it is pretending to be.

No great movement designed to change the world can bear to be laughed at or belittled. Mockery is a rust that corrodes all it touches.

Some people still believe you should just fall in line with what's going on - and that's scary. It makes a mockery of freedom of speech.

When billionaires can give $50 million, $500 million to a campaign, and there's no limit, then it makes a mockery of 'one man, one vote.'

Comedians still make fun of Bill's out-of-control appetites, but with Hillary, the mockery is about how she lets nothing be out of control.

Words without deeds is an affront to the principle that guides our Nation and makes a mockery of the values we as public servants claim to love.

As a man is, so is his God; therefore God was so often an object of mockery. [Ger., Wie einer ist, so ist sein Gott, Darum ward Gott so oft zu Spott.]

The right of revolution, which tyrants, in mockery, accord to mankind, is no legal right under a government; it is only a natural right to overturn a government.

Do not keep on with a mockery of friendship after the substance is gone - but part, while you can part friends. Bury the carcass of friendship: it is not worth embalming.

Vice is Washington's signature. A fish rots from the head, and Washington has led our country into vice, greed, selfishness, and the mockery and destruction of human life.

It felt to me like I was living my life in a way that didn't make mockery of my values. That's what I intended to do. So, that became a very radicalizing proposition for me.

There is something very human in this apparent mirth and mockery of the squirrels. It seems to be a sort of ironical laughter, and implies self-conscious pride and exultation in the laughter.

It sometimes makes people feel better about themselves, you know, to put other people down, or make fun of them, or maybe make mockery of their work and that doesn't make me feel good at all.

Granting amnesty to those who willfully broke the law makes a mockery of our legal system and encourages even more lawlessness - potentially more severe crimes than entering the U.S. illegally.

I feel like one thing that messed me up was living in a homophobic and transphobic society, and just being the object of mockery and disgust in your average sitcom or movie or person at school.

Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.

An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery.

I'm very observational in my comedy and what I create with the characters that I'm blessed to play. I don't believe comedy needs to be offensive, and I don't believe it needs to be a mockery of anything.

First, we must stop issuing drivers' licenses to people in our country illegally. Providing them with forms of government identification makes a mockery of our laws and undermines national security efforts.

In Cornwall, it is quite possible to take a stride from the richest vegetation into the abomination of desolation. It has been said in mockery that Cornwall does not grow wood enough to make coffins for the people.

It is downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government: the ballot.

I've done pretty well as a professional fed-up. The tools of my trade so far have been irony, tongue-in-cheek mockery, and supercilious contempt, but these are highly civilized weapons designed for 18th-century French salons.

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