My mom used to tell me: 'It's not what you weigh; it's what you look like.'

My mom definitely inspired me. She's a very determined woman and I look up to her massively.

My mom always encouraged me, it was never weird. She'd look at 'Heavy Metal' and go 'Woo-hoo!'

My mom's the one I look up to for everything. I feel like I'm a lump of clay and she's moulding me into a woman.

If you look through my photo album, they are all modeling poses. My mom was a young mom, so she took tons of pictures of me.

I always told my representatives, 'Look, I come from the 'School of Janet' - that's my mom - she raised me to know that I'm more than just set dressing.

When I was little, my mom tells me, I used to say things like, 'Mom do you hear the string section? Do you hear the string section?' And she would look at me and say, 'No honey, I don't know what you're talking about.'

Comfort is important. I wanna put jeans on and kind of forget about them unless someone is giving me a compliment on how they look. You don't want to be fussing all day, especially as a working woman or a mom running around with kids.

One thing my mom used to tell me was to look to the other side, and know that my present is not going to be everything. So if I'm having a bad day, she goes, 'Just imagine tomorrow. This is going to be over. This is going to be done with.'

When I had dial-up, my mom got me a phone so I wouldn't tie up the phone. She used to really pick up the phone, push some buttons, and hang it up so the connection could mess up. Now, it's a joke with her, like, 'Look, the Internet's 24/7. I have WiFi now.'

Mom gives me advice every single day, about how I'm not eating regularly enough, not sleeping enough, that I need to look after my skin, I shouldn't colour my hair, my eyebrows are too thin, etc. Most of her advice I discard, especially the thin eyebrows part.

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