A photo is a creation.

I hate the photo shoots.

I hate doing photo shoots.

I like to have fun on photo shoots.

My mom likes getting her photo taken.

When you crop the photo, you tell a lie.

I like seeing how I can look in a photo.

I hate the photo shoots. I hate all that stuff.

I like to think of an image as different from a photo.

If you want to see me cry, just come to a photo shoot.

A photo does not mean I agree with anything someone says.

If somebody asks for a photo, with a smile, it is nothing.

Someone is always taking a video of me or snapping a photo.

I must beware of the photo, get what I can of it and then go.

Every time I get my makeup professionally done, I take a photo.

My blog is actually all self-photography unless it's a photo shoot.

Normally for photo shoots I get a full wax, some tanning, a facial.

I never edited a photo of myself in my life. I don't have the energy.

Having people jumping in front of you taking a photo can be unnerving.

Most photo shoots are a beautiful dress, a natural location, and poses.

On photo shoots I've always had to do that - take direction and whatnot.

I always steal a pair of socks on every photo shoot I do. It's my thing.

The best V-Day gift I've ever received was a personalized photo collage.

Don't attack a girl because you see one photo of her and a guy in public.

Music is extremely important to have on photo shoots - it brings the mood.

I was more of a commercial model. I wasn't into ramp walks or photo shoots.

I never know what kind of people I'll meet just by stopping to take a photo.

Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo.

She glances at the photo, and the pilot light of memory flickers in her eyes.

I think it's important to try to get on a kid's level when taking their photo.

Britons are very respectful - if they want to take a photo, they ask politely.

A dream collage is pictures of your goals. It is like your future photo album.

I love photo sessions. I'm alone, I'm the queen, everyone's taking care of me.

Capturing a beautiful moment in a photo is something I'm very passionate about.

Photo shoots for underage girls are like letting an ant walk around with honey.

A lot of my best clothes I buy at photo shoots because I don't have time to shop.

In Naples, each time I go out people want to take my photo or ask for autographs.

When I'm doing a photo shoot, I'm not playing a part. I'm just trying to be myself.

The United States Supreme Court has voted 6-3 that voter photo ID is constitutional.

I do not see my family life in any way, shape, or form as an opportunity for a photo.

Compared to a lot of artists, I'm usually quite covered up in videos and photo shoots.

That would make a great Instagram photo - me and David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson.

There are states with photo ID requirements that don't disenfranchise eligible voters.

I enjoy doing fashion shows and transforming myself into different looks for photo shoots.

It's so boring to put on make-up and change clothes five times in a row for one photo shoot.

I would find myself in these photo shoots with models and makeup, and I got swept up in it all.

I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It's a huge part of my life.

Family photo albums are so powerful in that they make kids feel valued, cherished and respected.

When I'm on set, I'm 100 percent comfortable, but at events and photo shoots, I'm beyond nervous.

Nonni's Biscotti Bites fit perfectly in my camera bag for a spontaneous break between photo shoots.

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