I reinvented eyebrows.

Eyebrows are everything!

Am I missing an eyebrow?

I have hardly any eyebrows.

My eyebrows could do with a trim.

Bleaching eyebrows makes me crazy.

I shaved my eyebrows in 10th grade.

No-one is born with perfect eyebrow.

Good eyebrows give your face definition.

Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised.

Never trust a guy who plucks his eyebrows.

Never underestimate the power of the ocean.

I've got quite bushy eyebrows and brown eyes.

I wonder if vampire's eyebrows can grow back.

I do have to thank my mother for my eyebrows.

Eyebrows are the framework for the entire face.

If letters had eyebrows, these would be arched.

People think I shave my eyebrow... It's a scar.

You couldnt make headlines with raised eyebrows

The Russians often took advantage of Lend-Lease.

In my dreams, I have Keira Knightley's eyebrows.

I never did my eyebrows in most of my early films.

If Russians knew how to read, they would write me off.

Don't lay a finger on me eyebrows or I'll sue you f...

You must never underestimate the power of the eyebrow.

My eyebrows are a mess. They're skinny; they're dodgy.

Why does it raise eyebrows when a woman uses cuss words?

What that situation really needed was a little eyebrows.

Just five years before that the Russians were our allies

If you don't have eyebrows, you don't really have a face.

My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised.

When I first had my eyebrows waxed, I was pretty disturbed.

Here we were, corrupting all those Russians toward communism.

Don't touch your brows. I've never done anything to my eyebrows.

This tragic brow, these closed eyes, eyebrows raised and knotted.

There's nothing wrong with a thick eyebrow; Frida Kahlo had them.

You should shape your eyebrows according to your facial structure.

In 1963, when I joined Hindi film industry it raised many eyebrows.

You must never underestimate the power of your righteous influence.

In 1990, there were no services catering for eyebrows in Hollywood.

There have been makeup artists who've asked if my eyebrows are real.

I had a lot of dates but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows.

What are you gonna do, angel face? Stab me with your eyebrow pencil?

A man should not get his eyebrows shaped, he should get them groomed.

She was a singer who had to take every note above A with her eyebrows.

The little waiter's eyebrows wandered about his forehead in confusion.

I am too old for an eyebrow piercing but too young for an eyebrow lift.

If you look at the character of Sadness, they really nailed my eyebrows.

You're cute when you're worried, your eyebrows get all scrunched together.

The Russians imitate French ways, but always at a distance of fifty years.

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