I'm a bed monster.

My right hand is a monster.

I've created such a monster.

Monster Hearts is pretty cool!

I was a monster, a problem child.

The ego is a fascinating monster.

I was a huge fan of monster movies.

Ooh Poo Pah Doo' was a monster song.

Death is a monster; death is horrible.

I'm not a monster; I'm a white rabbit.

I've definitely evolved into a monster.

I can see every monster as they come in.

Behind every tree there's a new monster.

I'm no angel, but I'm no monster, either.

Big Show has a lot of monster tendencies.

The monster was the best friend I ever had.

'Monster Trucks' is like a big action movie.

As a kid I was obsessed with monster movies.

That fame monster's a fool, man. It really is.

I'm a chai tea latte monster. Anything syrupy!

Radio is a hungry monster that eats very fast.

I think of AI itself as a monster of capitalism.

For 'Monster Hunter,' we needed insane landscapes.

It's not a monster movie. It's a supernatural thriller.

I've never been into monster movies, not my cup of tea.

That's what media do. They make you out to be a monster.

NBC has created a monster and it is called Donald Trump.

Godzilla's a monster for the '90s. He's been working out.

You can only be a monster if people let you be a monster.

The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.

The 'Tickle Monster' story literally flew out of my mouth.

I'm glad I brought this course, this monster, to its knees.

Personally, I have nightmares about the unstoppable monster.

The piano is a monster that screams when you touch its teeth.

There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?

Monster Mash' is one of those great, throwback Halloween songs.

All I want is for people not to see me as this cartoon monster.

The first monster you have to scare the audience with is yourself.

You have to fight the green monster with your mind, not your fists.

I liked being the monster that was bigger than everybody around me.

In this business, until you're known as a monster you're not a star.

I'll always be a party monster. I'll always love getting dressed up.

Braun Strowman - that guy's a monster. He's done some amazing things.

The monster that NXT has grown into is nothing short of unbelievable.

Directing is its own monster with its own set of muscles and exercises.

There aren't that many monsters. It's very hard to create a new monster.

I have never seen a greater monster or miracle in the world than myself.

You can't create a monster, then whine when it stomps on a few buildings.

In Arabic, 'Naseem' means a gentle breeze. But inside the guy's a monster.

To make Michael Myers frightening, I had him walk like a man, not a monster.

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