I don't feel like I have to be the nice girl.

I live on this nice three acres in Hollywood.

He's a really nice guy, if only I weren't me.

It's always nice when the eccentrics show up.

There's nothing like a nice piece of hickory.

You don't need a reason to be nice to someone.

Gerard Butler is like a big kid, he's so nice.

You know where nice people end up? On welfare.

Is not Justice just a nice way to say revenge.

As far as pets go, a cat is a nice on to have.

You best go about your way and have a nice day

Were all moving, moving, moving. Isnt it nice?

Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.

Be nice people, cause nobody likes an asshole.

It's nice to be wanted in almost any capacity.

So you're mother? Nice to put a name to a face.

Good boys are nice - don't go for the bad ones!

I'm a nice guy, but I like to get into trouble.

Because I'm not a nice lesbian, I'm a big dyke!

I love a great pair of jeans and a nice blouse.

Fans of my books have just been supremely nice.

Kate Middleton's a pretty girl who sounds nice.

Love can make even nice people do awful things.

Oh fine. I'll play nice with the pretty people.

Independent and uninvolved. Must be nice. -Tris

Next time I want to do something nice, slap me.

Most of the Communists I knew were nice people.

Anything from 1-0 to 2-0 would be a nice result

It's really nice to know hard work does pay off.

I'm innocent. I've done nothing. I'm a nice guy.

I think the law changes, which is a nice luxury.

It was and is always nice to work with the kids.

Now now, Emily, it isn't nice to tell the truth.

Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments!

A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.

It's always nice to start the season with a win.

It's not nice to make fun of people with issues.

Growing old-it's not nice, but it's interesting.

Greens are not expected to be anything but nice.

You are only as pretty as you are nice and smart.

Shawn Carter is nice, but Sean Price is the best.

Chisora's not a nice man, not a nice human being.

It's always nice to start off with a good result.

If you've got a nice fresh corpse, fetch him out!

It's nice to marry your best friend. It suits me.

It's nice that we have all these different films.

The one's who were mean to me are now nice to me.

It's nice to feel loved instead of feeling hated.

It would just be nice if everybody would be nice.

Sometimes its nice when people you love need you.

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