There is nothin' like a dame.

It ain't nothin' till I call it.

And my friends, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

You know, if you don't do nothin, you don't do nothin.

There's nothin' wrong with the way men dress in New York!

Color don't mean nothin'. 'Cause we're all God's children.

Ain't nothin' changed with me. I'm Eastside Gary til I die.

I wanna sit behind the scenes and see nothin' but the greens.

Don't make an opinion on me if you don't know nothin' about me.

Y'know, there's nothin' like tearing up a good club now and then.

All the white meat is gone. There's nothin' but necks on the platter.

A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues.

The squared circle's no pretty place to be, and there's nothin' sweet about it.

There ain't nothin' to dyin', really. You just get tired. You kind of drift away.

After a couple bouts with cancer and everything, black cats are nothin', you know?

What Apple did for technology is brilliant, but they didn't do nothin' for our economy.

If you ain't thinkin' about man and God and law, then you ain't thinkin' about nothin'.

Be happy. God gave you a breath to breathe every day. You don't need to be mad about nothin'.

It is what it is, and it ain't nothin' else... Everything is clearly, openly, plainly delivered.

I was taught when there's somethin' you can change around keep quiet, you got nothin' to complain about.

One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothin' can beat teamwork.

Oracle's got 100+ enterprise applications live in the #cloud; today, SAP's got nothin' but SuccessFactors until 2020.

Every day I need that confidence to get by. It ain't got nothin' to do with ball. It's who I am. It was instilled in me.

Two kinds of ballplayers aren't worth a darn: One that never does what he's told, and one who does nothin' except what he's told.

I didn't have nothin' going for me... school, home... until I found something I loved, which was music, and that changed everything.

Nothin' will ever jump over the Jumpman... Yeezys aren't even basketball shoes. You can play in 'em, but they're not basketball shoes.

I understand about the relative strengths of people, and I don't think people have to be anything. They can be nothin' if they want to be.

I love to write. I love it. I mean there's nothin in the world I like better, and that includes sex, probably because I'm so very bad at it.

I don't take nothin' from no one. I do what I wanna do. And I'm gonna do that until the day I die. And if I can't do that, then I'll just die.

Black youth, in general, have no understanding of our past. Young black people who don't know who Martin Luther King Jr. was, don't know nothin'.

Let me tell you, I'm not sure if America runs on donuts, but I sure do! Nothin' like a little simple sugar icing to get the blood pumping at 9:00 A.M.

I'm just going to be myself. And when you're bein' yourself, you don't have to back up lies or the stories you told. You don't got to sugarcoat nothin'.

You loan your friend money. You see them again, they don't say nothin' 'bout the money. 'Hi, how ya doin'? How's ya mama doing?' Man, how's my money doin'?

I don't sit here and dream because I don't care about the future. I wouldn't take nothin' for my past and I've got enough behind me that I can write forever.

When we go to play, you flip around and flash around and everything, and then they're not gonna see nothin' but what their eyes see. Forget about their ears.

They wasn't gonna give you nothin'. I didn't care as long as they let me play my music. Cash on the spot... You cheat me and I'm gonna get me some money, too.

There were very, very large sums of money that I made when I was very young - 15 million published works and a great many successful movies don't make nothin'.

If somebody gave you several thousand dollars and nothin' to do but write, would you be a writer then? Would you tell your stories, your family's stories, then?

With action films, it's great if it's not just driven by action, but by a good story and interesting characters, as well. Though, there's nothin' like kicking butt!

I think now there's much more of a confessional culture. That's not my bag. I come from a slightly older school of thought: 'give 'em nothin.' You don't plead guilty.

I really wanted, when I was a little, little kid, I wanted to collect rocks. I don't know why. I didn't know nothin' about them. I just liked to pick them up and keep em.

'Nothin' on You' changed my life: I finally feel that I reached the point where I wanna be at. At times I questioned whether it was worth the sacrifice, but now I see it was.

That was it - I lost my job... I was very discouraged. I wanted to be in defense work... I'm an American, and I have nothin' to do with Japan, and so it's sort of an insult to me.

White people get nervous and speed things up. You don't have to be in a hurry because you ain't got nothing to gain and you ain't got nothin' to lose. And that's where the groove lies.

So, my sweetheart back home writes to me and wants to know what this gal in Bombay's got that she hasn't got. So I just write back to her and says, Nothin', honey. Only she's got it here.

I don't feel the need to define nothin' to nobody, because I'm always changing. Why say that I'm this or that when I might not be tomorrow? I'm gonna follow my own feelings and my own heart.

A good basic selling idea, involvement and relevancy, of course, are as important as ever, but in the advertising din of today, unless you make yourself noticed and believed, you ain't got nothin'.

If you take 'Nothin' But a G Thang' by Dr Dre, that could also be an R&B record. 'Bonita Applebum' by A Tribe Called Quest could even be a jazz record. 'Bring Da Ruckus,' you gotta call it hip-hop.

I lived in Dallas, and it's a big city, but you can jump on any freeway and drive in any direction for about 30 minutes and you are in the country - open space, wide open, very open, nothin' around.

'Nothin' on You' by B.o.B was the first song where I heard myself on the radio. I'd been trying my whole career to write a song like that, which incorporates live instruments with hip-hop and singing.

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