Pacing is really important in an organization.

I think there's something to be said about pacing yourself.

But it's mostly about pacing yourself when you do these movies.

You always hear that politics is a function of timing and pacing.

He who trades pacing for gimmicky open-world freedom deserves neither.

The pacing in Tamil and Telugu is very different from Malayalam cinema.

Mission control, We have a UFO pacing our position, request instructions!

For me, rehearsal is only about blocking and pacing; it's not about performance.

I kind of like to write fast. It keeps the pacing up. And it keeps me off the streets.

Comedy is so hard; it's so much harder than drama. The pacing of it, the energy of it.

I'm not that conscious of my writing, so pacing the lyrics doesn't really enter the picture.

With a mini series you can give the story a proper sense of pacing, a proper sense of closure.

An Englishmen thinks seated; a Frenchmen standing; an American pacing, an Irishman, afterwards.

What everyone loved about '24' is still there - the clock, the tick, the lean-in factor, the pacing.

I spend most of my days pacing around, muttering that I have no ideas, feeling like I'm walking a plank.

There has to be the right pacing of images to tell the story. I'm always stunned at how little you can put in.

I try to tell a story the way someone would tell you a story in a bar, with the same kind of timing and pacing.

I actually enjoyed the struggles that we had trying to shape 'Blood', to get the pacing right, the rhythm of it.

Language description and metaphors seem readily available. The things I have to work harder at are plot, pacing, and form.

In general, I don't really think too much about pacing, myself. You kind of look at each script and what each script demands.

Instinct taught me 20 years ago to pace a song or a concert performance. That translates into pacing a story, pleasing a reading audience.

As far as pacing the shoot is concerned, I know when I've got it. I don't think there's any reason to take ten takes unless you need them.

What keeps readers turning pages is suspense, which you can create using a variety of techniques, including tension, pacing and foreshadowing.

In fiction, you learn about pacing and how to build tension - which is something you want in a really good nonfiction feature article as well.

I picture my books as movies when I get stuck, and when I'm working on a new idea, the first thing I do is hit theaters to work out pacing and mood.

As soon as I have the script in my hand, I'll be up in my apartment room pacing up and down learning it because it's just such a lovely thing to do.

Pacing is not the sort of thing you can plan out beforehand, but you're always aware of it as you write, because you need to make constant decisions.

The main problem was a pacing problem. I had wanted the project to be about 20-30 issues, and I should have written it out as a full script beforehand.

Making comic adaptations means making a lot of choices - you need to adjust the pacing, the dialogue, and in this case, a lot of the cultural references.

The storyboard artists job is to plan out shot for shot the whole show, write all the dialog, and decide the mood, action, jokes, pacing, etc of every scene.

Saunders didn't beat me. I wasn't battered or shown-up. I made the mistake of not pressing him early, pacing myself too much because it was my first 12-round fight.

I find it enormously valuable to be sure that that the pacing is what I think it is and that the scenes have the shape I think they have musically and dramatically.

When I'm making documentaries, I think a lot about how fiction films play. I want them to have the pacing, the twists and the character development of fiction films.

First scenes are super-important to me. I'll spend months and months pacing and climbing the walls trying to come up with the first scene. I drive for hours on the freeway.

Pacing has become more important than ever, largely because of other media. I've always tried to start my stories out with a bang, something that will hook their attention.

I realized if I'm not really making an album, I don't have to be concerned about things like stylistic consistency, pacing, a coherent mood. All that stuff goes out the window.

We'd be working in our motel room through the night, and I'd come up with an idea at two in the morning, and he'd start jumping up and down, pacing across the room, or whatever.

I know better than to read reviews but I do it anyway. Somebody described my pacing as 'glacial.' I wasn't thrilled, but I think they meant it in a not entirely unflattering way.

I focus a little more on pacing when I write books in the young adult category, and of course there's the great American fear of anything sexual, so that's somewhat backed off in YA.

My role as an artist helps me tremendously in breaking down each story. Pacing, layout, movement - having drawn a few thousand pages, I understand the language of comic books very well.

People think that because people do religious stuff, that's all we're supposed to do. But with God's help, everything that He wants me to accomplish, I'm going to do it. It's all about pacing.

Humor is the hardest thing to do. Action is so much easier, because you're just trying to establish the mood, and a pacing, and a rhythm, and an energy. Where, in humor, comedy is so subjective.

Mick Jagger knows how to run a show. It's all about pacing. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. His output is amazing, but his movements are subtle. As I get older, I'll have to adhere to these rules.

Have you ever heard a good joke? If you've ever heard someone just right, with the right pacing, then you're already on the way to poetry. It's about using words in very precise ways and using gesture.

There's a certain kind of motion and pacing that our music has, and this just doesn't have that. We just kind of rushed to the conclusion of most of the songs. I just would've preferred to done them over.

Playing '10,000 Days' in concert was very challenging but infinitely rewarding. It's much more sensitive and emotional than our other songs, and it requires pacing yourself and also being very vulnerable.

In terms of graphic versus prose, I could probably do a lecture on that topic. But what stood out most was the difference in pacing the language and resulting scenes. One illustration can do so much for the reader.

After I work with my editor to get the manuscript in good shape, I sketch and lay out a whole book loosely, usually in black and white. You learn things about your text when you have to think about pacing and page-turns.

So it's one of those things where we have to - our problem is pacing ourselves and still reaching a large enough number of our audience. Because we don't want to burn the audience. And we don't want to be excluding anybody.

Warwick Davies is a cracking actor. The opening scene in the last 'Harry Potter' film, where he plays a captured Griphook, is mesmerising. His pacing is sublime, and the menace and regret he builds into the scene is fantastic.

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