I like Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin's a quitter.

Sarah Palin is a compelling political figure.

We all know that Sarah Palin loves attention.

I got all the Sarah Palin I need for one lifetime.

I think Sarah Palin is amazing. I totally admire her.

Lady Liberty and Sarah Palin are lit by the same torch.

I am not a clone of Sarah Palin. I have my own thoughts.

I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.

Tina Fey could run this country before Sarah Palin could!

Sarah Palin has been tagged and released back into the wild.

The thought of Sarah Palin as president gives me acid reflux.

Sarah Palin met the wombshifter! Old Sarah and the wombshifter.

I know Gov. Palin is a classy lady and has her head on straight.

Sarah Palin may best serve her country by entering the media fray.

I'm so grateful to Ms. Palin and all the people who've endorsed me.

Sarah Palin is to women what John Wayne Gacy was to birthday clowns.

I was very inspired by the videos of the crowds at the Palin rallies.

I do have to give it up for Sarah Palin on one account. She is brave.

I like that lady - Sarah Palin. She's great. I like the cut of her jib.

Women want to get to know Sarah Palin. And they want to meet her family.

I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

It is hard to know what Sarah Palin means in Republican politics anymore.

(Sarah Palin's) greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman.

You know, I just want to say to her (Sarah Palin), just very quickly...F-- you.

[Sarah] Palin is solidifying her status as a bona fide American cultural heroine.

Any party that would put Sarah Palin up on a pedestal will never have my support.

Governor Palin leans far closer to 'spokesperson' than representative of the people.

Anything may be possible in America, but a Palin presidency is virtually implausible.

Palin may be a polarizing figure, but she's more than just a 'political personality.'

I thought Sarah Palin was the ultimate expression of comic outrageousness in a person.

In choosing Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has chosen for the future.

Palin seems to have forgotten that her poll ratings have plummeted since the summer of 2011.

As much as I disagree with Sarah Palin, there's no denying that she was the victim of sexism.

I was not going to attack Palin just for being a woman appealing for support from other women.

Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan and she's demanding that we invade 'Tsunami.'

It would be my goal for Palin to become Oprah and be the ultimate kingmaker for twenty-odd years.

Barack Obama makes more gaffes than George Bush and Sarah Palin combined and is never called on it.

Asked who attacked America on 9/11, [Sarah Palin] suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussein.

My role in Palin is something that there's not a day that has gone by that I don't have regret about.

When it comes to politics, it's nice to be mired with Sarah Palin. But I'm Paul Gosar. I'm my own person.

The topic of Sarah Palin has been open season to the media, entertainment industry, and club comics alike.

Mrs. Palin has neither pushed for creationism in Alaska schools nor moved to ban a single book in Wasilla.

Attending a Sarah Palin rally was simultaneously one of the strangest and most chilling events of my life.

I have the greatest appreciation for Governor [Sarah] Palin and her family. There's great joy to know them.

This week Sarah Palin's memoir became a bestseller. It's not even out yet. It's being translated into English.

If ever there were a candidate destined to shine on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show,' Sarah Palin would be that woman.

It would be absurd for me to diagnose Sarah Palin with a sprained ankle, let alone any sort of mental illness.

If there is such a thing as karma, let's hope that Sarah Palin comes back as a wolf being shot at from a plane.

I think the notion of Sarah Palin being president of the United States is something that frightens me, frankly.

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