Do you know how many Frenchmen it takes to defend Paris ? It's not known, it's never been tried.

I've been to Paris, France, and I've been to Paris, Paramount. I think I prefer Paris, Paramount

There should be a name for the syndrome that occurs when you're in Paris and you already miss it.

I was born in Paris, and I haven't moved, except until now - I live in the suburbs and I hate it.

I wasn't captivated by the romance of Paris or London. I love visiting, but I'd rather be in L.A.

I don't know where there can be so many pianists as in Paris, so many asses and so many virtuosi.

There's something about Paris, people just don't have anything else do there but love each other.

Paris is a place in which we can forget ourselves, reinvent, expunge the dead weight of our past.

Who is she, why is she still here and when can I see her naked? Paris asked with an eyebrow wiggle

So I left with Jean Claude and went to Paris, so when the Russians came to Prague, I was in Paris.

The public's appetite for frothy, flippant blondes has waned, but Paris Hilton still fascinates me.

I did quite enjoy the days when one went for a beer at one's local in Paris and woke up in Corsica.

I always return to Paris, taking my selves along - past self, customary self, the self I never had.

The moon is essentially gray, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand.

Paris is a very exciting city. I learned about Paris the same way that Americans do: from the movies.

Paris and Nicky Hilton? Those girls will show up to the opening of a phone book. It's like a big joke.

I do not know what I thought Paris would be like, but it was not that way. It rained nearly every day.

I love Paris - it's one of my favorite cities - and so to shoot a video in Paris was a dream come true.

All I wanted was to connect my moods with those of Paris. Beauty pains and when it pained most, I shot.

I love Paris for its wide boulevards and cafes, and Rome for the ancient history, as seen at the Forum.

I had gone to Paris to immerse myself in painting and I came back wholly involved in words and rhythms.

Paris Hilton, it turns out, is related to fellow celebrity jailbirds Zsa Zsa Gabor and G. Gordon Liddy.

I had always imagined that Cliché was a suburb of Paris, until I discovered it to be a street in Oxford.

The whole time I was modeling, I had a place in Paris, and a place in New York, and I was really single.

In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines 74 lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.

All Southern women wished of their menfolk was simply to be 'like Paris handsome and like Hector brave'.

Until the day when a wise black man can become our ambassador in Paris, we will forever be a pre-Brazil.

Im completely English, but I grew up in Paris and went to school here. My parents moved when I was five.

I stayed three weeks in Paris, fell in love with the city, and decided that I was born to live in Paris.

The first thing to do is to arrange to be born in Paris. After that, everything follows quite naturally.

All my life I dreamed of an apartment in Paris where I could cook, and now I have one, on the Left Bank.

When Paris Hilton can top the bestsellers' lists, we are one more Connect Four move closer to Armageddon.

The reason there are so many tree-lined boulevards in Paris is so the German army can march in the shade.

You chose to come to Paris, of all places,” Mencheres replied. So what? Got something against the French?

Everybody is wondering what Paris Hilton will be doing next, and hell, I'm wondering what she did before.

Only in Paris do couture workers, from seamstress to mannequin, worship a dress and treat it like a baby.

It's called Paris, not Hilton, just me, because I don't want people to think it's my family's. It's mine.

Three million frogs' legs are served in Paris - daily. Nobody knows what became of the rest of the frogs.

When Americans shoot movies they aim at the entire planet. When the French make movies, they aim at Paris.

For my part, my interest in Paris had faded away completely long ago when I learned that it was in France.

In Paris, you learn wit, in London you learn to crush your social rivals, and in Florence you learn poise.

Almost every one of my various zero numbered birthdays has had a big concert in London and often in Paris.

I never go anywhere. I do sketches and make phone calls, and people visit. It's more fun to come to Paris.

People change their habits. I know Americans who don't go to Paris because they think it is too dangerous.

Stationery is addictive. I get mine made in Paris at Benetton, and writing on it gives me a strange thrill.

In Paris every man must have had a love affair. What woman wants something that no other woman ever wanted.

I have looked for the center of the art scene. I went to Paris as a student. I lived in Venice, California.

The doctors, whether based in Brussels or Paris, draw the same conclusions and write the same prescriptions.

I didn't begin my life in 1975 with 'Horses.' I recorded 'Horses' in 1975, but was drawing in Paris in 1969.

Paris is a hard place to leave, even when it rains incessantly and one coughs continually from the dampness.

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