When I'm sitting in a casting room in Paris, I'm not the thinnest model. Sometimes I'm not the most flat-chested, either.

Whoever thought to name a candy bar Butterfinger has either never seen Last Tango In Paris or seen it far too many times.

Paris... is a world meant for the walker alone, for only the pace of strolling can take in all the rich (if muted) detail.

every human activity, whether it be love, philosophy, art, or revolution, is carried on with a special intensity in Paris.

From Paris we took the Orient Express to Vienna. I must say I was terribly disappointed; nobody was murdered on the train.

There's a very apt saying in show business: "If you don't go over budget in Paris, you're either very rich or very sick. "

The real force of Silicon Valley is the mentality, the spirit. There's no reason at all that can't be replicated in Paris.

I bought a Dutch barge and turned it into a recording studio. My plan was to go to Paris and record rolling down the Seine.

Fly Away changed my life. There are certain songs that do. When I won the Grammy, I was in Paris. I sort of forgot about it.

Suicide, moreover, was at the time in vogue in Paris: what more suitable key to the mystery of life for a skeptical society?

It's in our interest to continue with the Paris Agreement and to deal with climate change as the real threat it actually is.

remember this: no matter how politely or distinctly you ask a Parisian a question he will persist in answering you in French.

For in Paris, whenever God puts a pretty woman there (the streets), the Devil, in reply, immediately puts a fool to keep her.

Paris is where my family are, but it's not really home now because I have dear friends in London and dear friends in New York.

Paris is one of the most beautiful places in all the world. Unfortunately, I was so homesick I couldn't appreciate its beauty.

I knew Id have to go to Paris eventually, and I didnt want to be the provincial kid who just turns up and says, I want to act.

In Paris now, when I walk into stores and the shopgirls literally say to me every time, "We don't have anything in your size".

People come to Paris, to the capital, to give their lives a sense of belonging, of an almost mythical participation in society.

I was backstage in Paris and saw Cindy Crawford doing House Of Style. I thought, I would love to to be in control of my career.

Yes, my grandfather worked with Thomas Edison on the electric car, and he sold electric cars at the 1900 World's Fair in Paris.

When I wrote 'Barefoot in Paris,' I wanted to make simple recipes that you could make at home that tasted like French classics.

As a young man, I went to Paris and soaked up many hours of film knowledge from Robert Hakim in my efforts to become a producer.

I've lived in Paris. I've lived in the Slovak Republic. I've spent extensive time in England, and I've traveled all over Europe.

I was born in a suburb of Paris, and I grew up there until I was 16, so there were always a lot of barbecues, a garden, friends.

In Paris there are few changes; one always finds one's niche there when one returns - no matter how long one may have been away.

So I said to this train driver "I want to go to Paris". He said "Eurostar?". I said "I've been on telly but I'm no Dean Martin".

Francois Hollande is the president of France. He got all sorts of accolades for his leadership in France after the Paris attacks.

Paris, though it's a very famous city, it's very small, so people always tell themselves, "We're gonna love each other in Paris."

Where [Albert Camus] is in exile isn't especially in Paris or elsewhere, but from the intellectual world, because of his origins.

In Nicaragua, liberty, equality and the rule of law were the stuff of dreams. But in Paris I discovered the value of those words.

I think you have an enormous amount of fear and uncertainty in this country. And it`s not just from San Bernardino or from Paris.

I didn't go to Paris until I was a grown-up in 1965. And when I went to Paris, it was the Paris I knew only from American movies.

I can't tell you how great it is to get away with a girlfriend for four days shopping in Paris. Now that's what I call a vacation.

I still live in an apartment in Paris with my wife. No, we don't have a yacht, but we do have a house in Spain; that is my luxury.

I came to Paris with four écus in my pocket, and I’d have fought with anybody who told me I was in no condition to buy the Louvre.

The production of obscurity in Paris compares to the production of motor cars in Detroit in the great period of American industry.

No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure.

I've been fortunate to have been in Paris a dozen times, where I've gone to the Louvre. I'm very big on Impressionistic paintings.

You have people who can't act and they get all these parts. Paris Hilton falls into her own category. She's made a career out of it

I quit Paris unwillingly, because I must part from my friends; and I quit the country unwillingly, because I must part from myself.

I didn't really understand fashion until I started going to Paris and seeing the ateliers and how hard these people work. It's art.

I really don't know whether any place contains more pianists than Paris, or whether you can find more asses and virtuosos anywhere.

Listen your Lordship, I'm a respecter of institutions. Even in Paris, I remained a Canadian. I puffed hashish, but I didn't inhale.

Paris Hilton isn't my rival. I met her one or two times and she's making out there's this big rivalry between us and there so isn't.

Like Rick in Casablanca: "We'll always have Paris." When what we'll always have is, like, Brooklyn and arguments about [Lev] Trotsky.

On my early trips to London and Paris, in 2009, I started to shift to more wide-brimmed felt hats similar to Borsalinos and Stetsons.

What Paris has done right is to make it awful to get around by car and awfully easy to get around by public transportation or by bike.

Tabloid photos capture people at their most self-conscious and disoriented; in real life, Paris Hilton is like an elegant paper crane.

The murders in Paris are sickening, we stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press.

Coming [to Paris] has been a wonderful experience, surprising in many respects, one of them being to find how much of an American I am.

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