That Paris exists and anyone could choose to live anywhere else in the world will always be a mystery to me.

Filmmaking is to me very similar to being in a café somewhere in Paris and looking at the people walking by.

... in the movies Paris is designed as a backdrop for only three things--love, fashion shows, and revolution.

If Paris that brief flight allow, My humble tomb explore! It bears: Eternity, be thou My refuge! and no more.

I joke that a person of color would never make a movie like “Midnight in Paris.” Nostalgia isn’t so enticing.

Don't kill the messenger, but I'm think you should change your dating profil to balding." -- Paris to William

There's enough people that do unfunny music. I'll leave the serious stuff to Paris Hilton and Kevin Federline.

Of one thing there is no doubt: if Paris makes demands of the heart, then Munich makes demands of the stomach.

Um i'm happy to sit close to you and everything, but i had no idea you would like it so much,' Paris muttered.

The Paris Commune was first and foremost a democracy. The government was a body elected by universal suffrage.

The best novelist of my generation is an Italian living in Paris, still working and improving - Italo Calvino.

I appreciate the people there thinking about me, and I look forward to coming back to Paris for that occasion.

I always read everything on the desks of people I went to see in Moscow, London, Paris I found it quite useful.

Naturally, I’ve always been mad about clothes. You don’t get born in Paris to forget about clothes for a minute.

In Paris, I rent a bike in the street and cycle around, and in L.A. I live up in the hills so I go hiking a lot.

Norway is combating climate change. It's an important issue for us. And we are committed to the Paris Agreement.

If a man has his throat cut in Paris, it's a murder. If 50,000 people are murdered in the east, it is a question.

Paris Hilton got 45 days in jail. A lot of people were upset about this - they were hoping for the death penalty.

I love the romance of Paris. I love Angelina [tearoom and pastry shop]. I always get a Mont-blanc [pastry] there.

In Los Angeles, you feel like everything revolves around the movies. In Paris, you still have other things to do.

Fried twinkies? Paris nodded. Only once, I've never forgotten the experience. It's like heaven in your mouth, man.

No one has the right to change Paris, the protesters say, and argue that the city is the patrimony of all mankind.

I was influenced by the hippie movement in San Francisco and by the feminist movement, which had arrived in Paris.

I have to fit holidays around tournaments, particularly the grand slams, in Melbourne, Paris, London and New York.

[On Paris:] A city never entirely known, yet which gives you the feeling of intimacy, of possessing it intimately.

Whether you like it or not, Paris is the beating heart of Western civilisation. It's where it all began and ended.

Ever since I visited Paris when I was younger, the sappy side of me really wanted to write a song about it someday.

Totem poles and wooden masks no longer suggest tribal villages but fashionable drawing rooms in New York and Paris.

I should go to Paris and jump off of the Eiffel Tower. If I took the Concorde, I could be dead three hours earlier.

You get funky things in Goa, so I like shopping there. Paris and Milan are also my preferred shopping destinations.

New York is a much younger city that drives culture. In Paris, older women drive the culture - really drive culture.

My therapist in Paris once told me that being creative is a better form of therapy for me than sitting on his couch.

It is perfectly possible to be enamoured of Paris while remaining totally indifferent or even hostile to the French.

I love Paris for the million reasons that everybody loves the city. It's an incredibly romantic and beautiful place.

I wholeheartedly welcomed Charles de Gaulle eulogy of French valour, to which he attributed the liberation of Paris.

Paris is a place where, for me, just walking down a street that I've never been down before is like going to a movie.

Paris. City of love. City of dreams. City of splendor. City of saints and scholars. City of gaiety. Sink of iniquity.

If you mention any ideological thing about shooting Last Tango in Paris, I was thinking I was doing a political film.

People are often frightened of Parisians, but an American in Paris will find no harsher critic than another American.

Does anyone know where these gondolas of Paris come from? [Fr., Ne sait on pas ou viennent ces gondoles Parisiennes?]

If you want to establish an international presence you can't do so from New York. You need the consecration of Paris.

Look at London or Paris: they're both filthy. You don't get that in Tokyo. The proud residents look after their city.

I went to Paris when I was about 18 and then went to Miami and New York. I did all of that alone. I did it to myself.

After my best friend jumped off the bridge, I knew that I was next. So-Paris. With forty dollars and a one-way ticket.

Along the Paris streets, the death-carts rumble, hollow and harsh. Six tumbrils carry the day's wine to La Guillotine.

What were all the world's alarms To mighty Paris when he found Sleep upon a golden bed That first dawn in Helen's arms?

When I want to be incognito, I don't wear any hat. Unfortunately, even without the hat, they now recognise me in Paris.

People always go to Paris for their honeymoon. It's like they think because the distances are closer, it's much warmer.

I was the first Indian model to have a career in Paris, Milan and New York. I am the first one to admit I was a novelty.

When I went through Marine boot camp in Paris Island, South Carolina, we actually did have bayonets that we trained with.

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