I have always been a pencil.

With pencil, you can always erase.

I always write in pencil, so I can erase.

A pencil has eraser because it make mistake.

The idea is to get the pencil moving quickly.

A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.

I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil.

You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.

I know what I'm doing even when I'm wearing a pencil skirt.

I'm born with a pencil in my hand. I did lots of sketching.

Our TV and movie cops are usually in heels and pencil skirts.

It's not how big your pencil is; it's how you write your name.

College atheletes used to get a degree in bringing your pencil.

I like pencil skirts because they hug me in all the right places.

I ain't never far away from a pencil and paper or a tape recorder.

A mechanical brow pencil can create the appearance of fine brow hairs.

A lot of songs you write are just for exercise - just pencil sharpeners.

The best ideas come from sitting down with a piece of paper and a pencil.

My favorite must have beauty product is a good, reliable black eye pencil.

When I was a developer, I couldn't buy a pencil. I had no budget, nothing.

Practice smiling by holding a pencil between your teeth for twenty minutes.

But I do have time to pencil in golf, and we've got four excellent courses.

Models used to shave their eyebrows so they could pencil them in very thin.

When I was doing 'Les Mis,' someone sent me a collection of pencil rubbers.

One must always draw, draw with the eyes, when one cannot draw with a pencil.

I love my paper and ink, but I see the benefits of the iPad and Apple Pencil.

As a writer, I have learned that each time I pick up my pencil I betray someone.

Graffiti is linear, and it's done with a pencil, and it's like writing on walls.

If I want to put on a pair of Converse with a pencil stuck through them, I will.

The computer dictates how you do something, whereas with a pencil you're totally free.

Film will only became an art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper.

I'm blessed with nice legs, but I see lots of guys with big upper bodies and pencil legs.

If you give me an eyeliner, I can create 40 looks with that - whether it's liquid or pencil.

I love my iPad Pro and my Apple pencil. They have changed the way I work in really cool ways.

I often write in pencil on paper and then type up later. It's much quicker than using a keyboard.

I'm the sort of person who doesn't write in ink. I only write in pencil, so it can be rubbed out.

The eyebrow pencil and false eyelashes were essential; my mother didn't feel dressed without them.

I'm all about high-waisted pants and skirts, pencil skirts, and sheer, long-sleeves in the summer.

If you're lacking hair in your brows, applying powder over a waxy pencil will make the color stick.

Increasingly, editing means going to lunch. It means editing with a credit card, not with a pencil.

Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.

You don't always have to opt for a dress on a night out - a sequin pencil skirt can be far more chic.

I can almost always write music; at any hour of the twenty-four, if I put pencil to paper, music comes.

I'm still short now, but when I was 14, I was like a pencil. You had to be aggressive and hold your own.

Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.

I have a paper, pencil, and ink sketch for a Mickey Mouse cartoon short entitled 'Mickey's Garden' from 1935.

I wear anything I feel like. If I want to put on a pair of Converse with a pencil stuck through them, I will.

Everyone gets a pencil as a kid, but it doesn't make them all authors or painters or drawers or anything else.

I try and make little stories. Whether it's with a pencil or with bits of records, it's really the same thing.

There's always a pencil in my bag. I put everything in pencil in my datebook. I live in L.A. - everyone's flaky.

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