Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany have detailed plans to cut their greenhouse emissions by 20 to 50 percent.

I've learned it's always better to have a small percentage of a big success, than a hundred percent of nothing.

Actually, I think the average voice is like 70 percent tone and 30 percent noise. My voice is 95 percent noise.

I am blessed with the energy of a chimpanzee. There is nothing I can't get up for and give it a hundred percent.

Your ability to adapt to failure, and navigate your way out of it, absolutely 100 percent makes you who you are.

It’s a very interesting thing to try to be your absolute best—not a percent better or a percent worse than that.

Laws don't really restrain people. Ninety-eight percent of people follow a virtuous course with or without laws.

Eighty percent of my pieces gravitate towards an A, as a tonal thing, not at the beginning, but somewhere in it.

Any time you have, you know, upwards of 90 percent of a demographic voting against somebody, that's a statement.

Fifty percent of people won't vote, and fifty percent don't read newspapers. I hope it's the same fifty percent.

No one lives on credit in France because banks don't allow overdrafts and zero percent credit cards do not exist.

In neighborhoods without a usable park or playground, the incidence of childhood obesity increases by 29 percent.

The average American worker has fifty interruptions a day, of which seventy percent have nothing to do with work.

Eighty percent of what doctors do, tech can do at a fraction of the cost - especially your rural doctor in India.

Even before ObamaCare, the government took care of the bottom 5 or 10 percent of the public who were on Medicaid.

Being a parent you want to be strong for your kids and ninety percent of being a parent is not telling the truth.

Well, I am not 100 percent sure of the definition of polemic, but it wasn't meant to convince anybody of anything.

Seventy percent of what I write, I throw out. I can write very easily, but writing original things is the hard bit.

Teenagers want to be able to fight for what's right - but finding out what's right is now 90 percent of the battle.

We're going to merge with machines and become gods, but first, we've got to reduce the world population 90 percent.

Hrithik Roshan is my idol both onscreen as well as off screen. I wish that I could become just 50 percent like him.

In the 1920s you could buy stocks on margin. You could put 10 percent down and borrow the rest against your stocks.

Women are the primary healthcare consumers in the country. 80 percent of all healthcare decisions are made by women.

Everybody I've ever worked with - 99.9 percent of the time, I've had a successful or very agreeable experience with.

I keep living life as it's dealt to me. Sometimes, it's not dealt 100 percent. Sometimes it's dealt on the low '30s.

If I have a 100 percent batting average, you should fire me, because it means we haven't tried anything really noble.

Long ago when I went to college, campuses were about 70 percent male, and until 1970, it was still nearly 60 percent.

I`m 100 percent impartial. I`m - my responsibility is to manage this primary nominating contest neutrally and fairly.

About half my designs are controlled fantasy, 15 percent are total madness and the rest are bread-and-butter designs.

The suicide-bombing community is not absolutely 100 percent religious, but it is pretty nearly 100 percent religious.

There was a time where I chose my jobs based on what jobs were available to me, so I would choose 100 percent of them.

Infidelity is a deal breaker for me. I've broken up with people over it. You can't do monogamy 90 percent of the time.

Ninety percent of my roles, I've had to fight for. It's only a really small percentage of people who get handed roles.

Europe, which gave us the idea of same-sex marriage, is a dying society, with birthrates 50 percent below replacement.

More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers.

I mean, if you go back to 1960 on major pieces of legislation, the filibuster was used about eight percent of the time.

Ninety percent of what we wear, we eat, we consume is carried by ships... Container ships carry a vast amount of stuff.

When it comes down to music, I have no balance. I am 100 percent. It is like full throttle. Five hundred miles an hour.

Only a liberal senator from Massachusetts would say that a 49 percent increase in funding for education was not enough.

Women play about twenty-five percent as good as men, so they should get about twenty-five percent of the money men get.

If I'm with my sons, I want to give them 100 percent. Whatever I am doing at that moment, I want to make the most of it.

I wish I was 100 percent confident in my own skin. It's always a process, but getting older, I've become more confident.

Governor Romney has paid 100 percent of his taxes that are owed. He has complied 100 percent with what the law requires.

I like all types of music. Even though rap music is 80 percent of what I listen to, it's not the only thing I listen to.

I'm not a woman! Let's make that very clear! Oh I don't know, maybe I am. I am an American woman. Or 65 percent of me is.

As a woman of color, I always have to be at 150 percent and better than everybody in the room to be considered competent.

I believe health care is a right, not a privilege, not something only the wealthiest 1 percent can afford it should have.

Here is the surprising truth: It's often easier to make something 10 times better than it is to make it 10 percent better.

If you're good, you fail seventy percent of the time. You have to be mentally capable of blocking that out and keep going.

His genius he was quite content in one brief sentence to define; Of inspiration one percent, of perspiration, ninety nine.

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