I love offensive physicality.

I love the physicality of books.

I still like the physicality of papers.

Physicality is the basis of performance.

I love physicality. I love movement very much.

I love the physicality of an offensive lineman.

The physicality of boxing is like nothing else.

I am interested in the physicality of light itself.

The physicality of a production needs evolution and breath.

My genetic make-up is one of physicality. I'm a visceral guy.

All comedians have to use their physicality, so I use my size.

I am a big NBA fan, where a lot of players play on physicality.

The Premier League has a lot of intensity, a lot of physicality.

My own physicality, not an abstract idea, makes me a choreographer.

Dance involves physicality, it involves spirituality and even brains.

You have to put your body through a lot of physicality with wrestling.

Though the physicality of death destroys us, the idea of death may save us.

I love playing characters that are strong, when there's physicality involved.

I like the physicality in doing the different physical motions, being a beast.

Men dominate because of physicality, and thus they have mercy where women do not.

There is a physicality where I had to become a bit bigger to face bigger players.

A ladder match is a career altering match, the physicality of it is second to none.

I was never a sporty kid. Then I discovered my physicality and running and endorphins.

I love the physicality of instruments, and instruments as objects, like dancers are bodies.

I think the physicality of being an athlete or working out, it grounds you. It centers you.

I don't mind physicality in the least - I don't mind it in the least, both ends of the floor.

I want to do stunts and play a badass. Like Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. Physicality, fun, evilness.

I like being outside and working with the elements. The elemental aspects of it. The physicality of it.

Dybala's game is easier on the eye, but Pogba is extraordinary because he has physicality and technique.

When I'm trying to find my way into a character, the voice and physicality are the first two things I do.

I'm not afraid, as a writer, of being emotional. I'm obsessed with human emotion, body parts, physicality.

A relationship will be futile if it's based just on physicality. Intellectual stimulation is a must for me.

Before you get into the mind, you have to inhabit the physicality. Body language is a great way of speaking.

Being tiny has been difficult for me in a business that regarded physicality as the most important part of your life.

It's the NFL, so anytime you get to go out and get to play against another team, there's going to be some physicality.

I do tend to play characters that have a lot of costume and hair change. I sort of like the change of physicality thing.

Connery made Bond real through his physicality. He did most of his own stunts and fights, and the audience knew it was him.

Unless it's a specific accent, or something about physicality you have to change, I am generally not such a conscious actor.

I've never seen myself as a victim because of my physicality. If I did play that game, I wouldn't be the comedian that I am.

I could probably give you a list of a dozen pet peeves I have about my own physicality and why I couldn't get a second date.

Because my profession is the body, it is a relaxation for me to get out of physicality and concentrate on more mental things.

Your physicality is this great thing, but it is also the thing that makes you clumsy and limits you in the world, so to speak.

I like to play Gandhi, but I've got tired of it, though not bored of it. I have to go through the physicality of losing weight.

The three books I've written in Florida about L.A. are my best takes on the physicality of the city, as far as description goes.

At first sight, Pogba was notable for his size and physicality, and when you got to know him, there was also a confidence about him.

When you dance intensely, you are really aware of your physicality, and that's always great to have as a tool, when you're an actress.

Let's be honest. Physicality is going to have a bearing on the parts you get. And if you think differently, you're in the wrong business.

If there's one thing I've shown, I'm not scared of physicality. I'm not scared to take some of my own blood. I play hurt; I play injured.

It's why the Premier League is watched so much all over the world: because it has more pace and more physicality than in any other league.

There's a physicality and confidence to Americans; they're very present. That's something I enjoy being around because it rubs off on you.

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