I’m never without a bandage.

I'm not having plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery is a postmodern veil.

I would get plastic surgery. It sounds fun.

I don't want plastic surgery or fillers or Botox.

I can always tell when people have had plastic surgery.

Everyone should have enough money to get plastic surgery.

You know, I think plastic surgery is the way you keep your skin.

I have had no plastic surgery on my face. Can I leave it at that?

It's tricky to say 'never,' but I will never have plastic surgery.

I have undergone plastic surgery. I got my breasts done. Big deal.

I've had a lot of plastic surgery, and I'm completely honest about it.

I won't have plastic surgery. You either take me as I am, or you don't.

I have never had plastic surgery, and there are many pop singers who have.

Plastic surgery is like a big elephant sitting in the Hollywood living room.

I am being accused of all this plastic surgery, which is absolutely not true.

I hate plastic surgery. I have a horror of any kind of knife. I don't like it.

We didn't want our kids raised in a place plagued by smog and plastic surgery.

I wish I had a twin, so I could know what I'd look like without plastic surgery.

I've had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware.

I personally would not have plastic surgery. What the hell for? It looks ridiculous.

I thought my nose was too prominent so I had this corrected via plastic surgery in 1959.

I don't think I would ever have plastic surgery; there isn't anything I'd want to change.

There's a lot of different countries and they do a great job with plastic surgery tourism.

I have not had any plastic surgery in any shape or form. No implants. And my hair is not dyed.

I definitely believe in plastic surgery. I don't want to be an old hag. There's no fun in that.

Michael, if he wants an operation on his nose, plastic surgery, hey, he can do it. It's his right.

In Hollywood they're getting younger, but believe me, it's not the food. It's the plastic surgery.

I got plastic surgery done on my face because my skin burnt during the shooting of one of my films.

The plastic surgery issue is really looming because girls in the U.S. are getting it in their teens.

If you choose to be Frankenstein with Botox and plastic surgery, you've bought your own private mask.

On the red carpet, I saw all these great stories, and I also got to see the plastic surgery up close.

I'm totally not against plastic surgery. I've tried Botox before. That's the only thing that I've done.

The idea that people would work on themselves, who hadn't had an accident - I can't stand plastic surgery.

The scar on my eye is a result of the doctor's sewing up my face. It was 450 stitches and plastic surgery.

I swear there are things you can do to work on problem areas without having to think about plastic surgery.

The wheels of Hollywood grind very slowly so I'm going to have some collagen or some sort of plastic surgery.

If somebody wants to have plastic surgery, more power to them. I think there's a point where you go overboard.

Do I believe in plastic surgery? Yes, if something is wrong and you can modify it. For certain people, it's right.

I thought that plastic surgery was easy, but it is really serious and is not something you want to mess around with.

I want to be the only American actress who doesn't do any plastic surgery or anything. I think older faces are great.

Today I would say, 'I am against plastic surgery.' It's a grave act. An act that touches our soul. It was frightening.

I don't want to fight aging; I want to take good care of myself, but plastic surgery and all that? I'm not interested.

I've never had plastic surgery, but if they made a new invention for making people taller, I'd be the first to have the surgery.

Just about everyone is quick to judge plastic surgery, especially on a man. We've all seen people who end up looking a little scary.

I think I'm the only 65-year-old actress in Los Angeles who hasn't had plastic surgery, so somebody's gotta play the old-lady parts!

I've had a little plastic surgery. I've had a little lipo. I've had a little Botox. And you know what? None of it works. None of it.

I don't think badly of or oppose having plastic surgery. I once seriously thought of it, but I decided to take my appearance as it is.

When you look at women who have had plastic surgery, they have lost something - usually an expression, something unique to their face.

If somebody doesn't have enough judgment to be able to look at plastic surgery and realize how phony it is, then they can't be helped.

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