I don't think President Trump is a racist.

The truth is on the side of President Trump.

I was proud to cast my vote for President Trump.

I credit President Trump for being my inspiration.

If President Trump has good ideas, I'll be for them.

We need to work as hard as President Trump is working.

Controlling President Trump seems incredibly difficult.

To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God.

At times, President Trump has behaved far worse than Nixon did.

I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.

President Trump needs a senator who will lead the charge for him.

I'm very concerned about President Trump and his policy by tweet.

President Trump is tearing apart the moral fabric of this country.

I'll stand with President Trump and get tough on illegal immigration.

No one has done more to advance the rule of law than President Trump.

God bless America, and God bless the Great White Hope, President Trump!

You know who has done a lot of questioning of generals? President Trump.

We want President Trump to have all the tools he needs to build the wall.

President Trump insists on fairness and reciprocity in U.S.-China relations.

President Trump is committed to democracy and rule of law in our hemisphere.

I'll stand with President Trump. We'll get tough, and we'll build that wall.

I think that Netanyahu is a bit intimidated of and afraid of President Trump.

President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace.

President Trump is the first western leader in 50 years to stand up to China.

President Trump has often crossed the line of what constitutes decent behavior.

I agree with President Trump that we should have an America First trade policy.

If Americans want President Trump to be successful, we must retire Speaker Ryan.

I mean business about standing with President Trump to make America great again.

President Trump is not an isolationist and builds closer friendships when he can.

President Trump is draining the D.C. swamp by fighting against corporate welfare.

Thankfully, President Trump doesn't just complain about problems - he solves them.

President Trump stands with Interim President Juan Guaido and the Venezuelan people.

No one is better at deprecating President Trump than President Trump - just ask him.

President Trump has made political news interesting and necessary for people to follow.

I don't want foreign governments to support President Trump to influence our elections.

Americans underemployed or unemployed and a President Trump will put them back to work.

President Trump named Rand his favorite writer and 'The Fountainhead' his favorite novel.

President Trump is engaging and if you get your points across then he asks you questions.

I'll always respect that institution of the presidency, and I'll respect President Trump.

Psychology is the only necessary skill for running for president. Trump knows psychology.

The thing I love about President Trump is he's really focused on helping business succeed.

Liberals from California to Washington are fighting President Trump on illegal immigration.

I stand with President Trump in the fight to make sanctuary cities pay for the border wall.

From his first days in the Oval Office, President Trump has prioritized the American worker.

With President Trump, we've seen the lowest ever African-American and Hispanic unemployment.

While Democrats spent the year of 2019 obstructing, President Trump spent the year achieving.

President Trump needs to listen to the screams of the children and the screams of this nation.

Thankfully, President Trump has made clear: The regulatory assault on American workers is over.

We are elevating this work to address global water security to a new level under President Trump.

There's a gotcha piece in every interview that the press has, more or less, with President Trump.

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